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U S WEST 'Scab' Contractor Violates Federal Criminal Laws Against Alien Smuggling

(DENVER) - The Communications Workers of America has alerted federal authorities that U S WEST is illegally recruiting strike-breakers from Canada through a contract agency in violation of federal criminal statutes against alien smuggling.

The contractor, "International Communications Services," is counseling Canadians to lie to border authorities and say they are coming to the United States "on holiday," the union reported.

As part of the illegal scheme, the would-be strike-breakers are told they will be paid for their work at U S WEST through a Canadian bank in U.S. funds, apparently circumventing payment of federal and state income taxes.

The companies are failing to warn the Canadians that they face serious penalties themselves for participating in the illegal activity. If caught, their vehicles will be impounded and they can be deported and barred from reentering the U.S.

Employers convicted of alien smuggling face substantial fines.

U S WEST's contract agent has been running ads in Canadian newspapers headlined, "Telephone Work Stoppage Assignments," soliciting cable splicers, business and residential installers and repair technicians to work "in the western U.S. area." The workers are guaranteed a 70-hour workweek and minimum of four weeks' work.

Canadian workers responding to the ad reported to CWA that the contractor, ICS, readily admitted that it was hiring strike-breakers for U S WEST. Workers were told they would be flown to the U.S. by the company, or if they drove across the border they should lie about the purpose of their visit and obtain holiday visas. One worker was told he had his choice of assignments anywhere on the West Coast or in Idaho or Omaha, Neb.

CWA has confirmed that Canadians already are working as strike-breakers in the Pacific Northwest, reporting that some workers say they were told to claim they are from the midwestern United States.

"There are so many potential violations of law relating to immigration, labor laws and tax fraud in both countries it's hard to know where to start," said a CWA attorney. The union already has alerted the U.S. Justice Department's Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Labor Department of the criminal activity.

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