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TPP: Good for corporate CEOs, bad for American workers

When your jobs, your wages, and your rights are under attack, it’s time to stand up and say: No, we’re not going to take this.

That’s exactly what CWA and the Unity@Mobility campaign have been doing over the last several months by raising our voices against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The TPP, known as “NAFTA on steroids,” is the biggest trade deal in history. It’s also one of the most destructive:

  • TPP would make it easier to ship U.S. jobs overseas, often to countries with terrible records on worker safety.
  • It would feed right into the Wall Street agenda by making it harder for our government to stop the next financial crisis.
  • It would keep American workers from getting fair wages.
  • It could even make our health care more expensive and our environment less clean.

Let’s be clear: TPP is nothing short of a shameless power grab by big-business fat cats. Yet negotiations are being kept secret from the public, even as corporate lobbyists have spent the last three years helping to shape them.

And unbelievably, the Obama administration wants Congress to approve “fast track” authority for the TPP, which would prevent our lawmakers from making any changes to the agreement before they vote on it.

This isn’t just an assault on unions and workers everywhere. It’s an assault on our democracy. So we’re meeting with elected officials, joining with brothers and sisters from across the labor movement, and spreading the word about the devastating impacts TPP will have if we let it move forward. And now, we’re asking you to join us. Sign our petition to tell Congress: We won't be fooled by Big Business' false promises. We stand against TPP.

After you sign, you’ll have the chance to contact your member of Congress directly — and let them know a vote for fast track is an vote against your basic rights.

So act now. Stand up for your rights. Sign the petition against "fast track" authority for the TPP!