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Three Weeks to Senate Rule Change Vote

How can we restore democracy and debate to the U.S. Senate? That was topic A at a forum sponsored by Common Cause, where CWA President Larry Cohen, Common Cause President and CEO Bob Edgar, Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and others talked about ways to fix the arcane Senate rules.

These rules aren't in the Constitution and have been changed many times over the years. They've just about shut down action on important issues to working families over the past two years.

After the new Senate is sworn into office nearly next year, Senators can vote to change the rules on holds, delaying tactics that prevent debate and how filibusters are conducted.

Chris Bowers at DailyKos updated where things stand. Read his entire report here.

Bowers writes: "Unlike other congressional fights, which always seem to drag on interminably, the rules reform campaign is a date-certain event. On the first day the Senate is in session during the 112th Congress--which is January 5th, 2011--the Senate either will, or will not, change its rules. That is only three weeks from today, so there isn't a lot of time left in this campaign.

There are already more than 50 Senators in favor of changing the rules in some way. However, they have not reached consensus on which reforms they want."

Read how you can join the campaign here.

And check out this video of CWA Executive Vice President Annie Hill and why we need to act now.