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'This conference added fuel to the fire in my heart'

There’s dedication, and then there’s passion.

If you want to know the difference, look no further than Marco Rodriguez, a steward at CWA Local 9421 in Sacramento.

Last year, Marco attended the CWA Mobility Leadership Conference — where he connected with his union brothers and sisters, made plans to build the Unity@Mobility campaign, and learned more about how we protect our benefits, our rights, and our voice on the job.

It was a transformative experience.

Marco is now one of the most vocal and effective leaders in his Local:

  • He’s become a trainer for Unity@Mobility.
  • He’s involved in organizing workers not just at AT&T, but at T-Mobile and Verizon as well.
  • He’s recruiting new stewards so that union brothers and sisters get the representation and respect they deserve.
  • And he’s helping college students and union members push back against the Trans-Pacific Partnership — the biggest, and most damaging, trade deal in history.

As Marco puts it, “I can honestly say that this conference added fuel to the fire in my heart and that I have been 150% more involved in trying to make a difference in Mobility and in the community.”

The 2015 CWA Leadership Conference is set for Oct. 18 to Oct. 21 in San Diego. If you’re interested in becoming like Marco and giving your union brothers and sister a voice on the job, talk to your Local about ways to get involved!