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The Political Revolution is Taking Hold

In Nevada and many more states, CWA activists are participating in the broad support that’s building for the presidential bid of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. This week, CWAers will be caucusing in Nevada, then going to the polls next week in South Carolina. CWA activists in the 12 Super Tuesday states already are mobilizing to get out the vote for those March first primaries. The states are: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia.

Check out for more information.

CWA District 9 Vice President Tom Runnion and CWA activists canvassed for Bernie Sanders in Nevada last weekend.
CWA District 9 Vice President Tom Runnion and CWA activists canvassed for Bernie Sanders in Nevada last weekend.

CWAers join members of the National Nurses Union at a Las Vegas canvassing event.
CWAers join members of the National Nurses Union at a Las Vegas canvassing event.

Supporters in Arizona rock out for Bernie Sanders. Yolanda Bejarano, an activist from CWA Local 7019, organized the benefit concert on her own time. Death metal, country mariachi, noise and folk bands all helped raise more than $3,000.
Supporters in Arizona rock out for Bernie Sanders. Yolanda Bejarano, an activist from CWA Local 7019, organized the benefit concert on her own time. Death metal, country mariachi, noise and folk bands all helped raise more than $3,000.

In Minnesota, 27 activists train for the upcoming caucus on Super Tuesday. Members said they’re voting for Bernie Sanders to save the middle class, see America grow, lower student debt, protect union rights, and more.
In Minnesota, 27 activists train for the upcoming caucus on Super Tuesday. Members said they're voting for Bernie Sanders to save the middle class, see America grow, lower student debt, protect union rights, and more.