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The Ally from the BlueGreen Alliance - July 30, 2012

CWA is part of the BlueGreen Alliance. The Alliance's newsletter is below.

July 30, 2012 The Ally

The wrong reforms
The BlueGreen Alliance adds its voice in opposition of a GOP-driven campaign against the very institutions that keep us safe. Read more. 

America’s low-hanging fruit
BGA-Apollo, CalCef and UC Berkeley show how a set of initiatives the public and private sectors can take to help homeowners take advantage of update opportunities that will make their homes more energy efficient, saving them money. Read more. 

A bridge over troubled water
Immediate investment in our nation’s water infrastructure is critical and will create numerous good paying, green jobs. Read more. 

Safer, over thirty years in the making
In the years since TSCA became law, 80,000 chemicals have been produced and the EPA has only tested 200 chemicals. It simply hasn’t worked. Read more.

A larger Alliance
Returning BGA partners SMART and UA are committed to greening our country — saving energy and water — and their workers are on the forefront of that effort. Read more.

False start
We hope the House leadership isn’t subconsciously rooting for 94 percent unemployment, but maybe they subconsciously know that playing games with the regulatory process does absolutely nothing to create jobs. Read more. 

A bright spot for jobs in the Golden State
Solar power is the fastest growing industry in California due to federal stimulus funding for large solar plants and a decrease in panel prices driven by a boom in the number of local solar developers and contractors. Read more. 

Reform, a long time coming
The Safe Chemicals Act would ensure that chemicals are tested in industry labs not our children's bodies. Read more. 

The windy state
The number of manufacturing jobs in Illinois, while small, has increased with the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy, but is in danger of drastically decreasing with its expiration. Read more. 

A step towards safety
U.S. FDA announced that the controversial chemical found in plastics known as bisphenol A (BPA) is now banned for use in baby bottles and sippy cups. Read more. 

Political stunts harmful to jobs
This GOP bill is not just the latest in a series of blatant attacks against regulations. It represents an all-out assault. Read more. 

When “energy” means unregulated drilling
GOP lawmakers unveiled a plan that would expand oil-and-gas leasing onshore and offshore, speed up drilling permits, delay certain air pollution rules and limit mining regulations. Read more. 

Senate wins for public health
A step forward for public health, a Senate Committee passes a bill to reform and improve our nation's law to better protect people, including pregnant women, infants, and children, from dangerous chemicals. Read more. 

Climate science gets its time in the limelight.  Read more. 

The end of innovation
This vote marks the latest political jab at White House programs to boost commercialization of alternative energy technologies. Read more. 

Cleaner and more prosperous
Just like surface transportation programs, the need for investment in wastewater infrastructure is great, and reauthorizing and reforming programs to rebuild our crumbling water infrastructure systems will create jobs. Unfortunately, the Committee will only consider legislation that is paid for. Read more. 

Clean energy from all angles
Advancing the development of clean coal technologies is an important part of President Obama’s strategy to develop every source of American energy. Read more. 

Extension support grows
To continue creating jobs and expanding the wind industry, President Obama is calling on Congress to extend clean energy tax credits for renewable energy and manufacturing. Read more. 

Cold winds are rising
The Commerce Department will unveil preliminary findings in an anti-dumping probe of China’s sales of wind-energy towers. Read more. 

Take Action

Tell Congress to Pass Clean Energy Tax Credits
Right now, Congress is sitting on critical tax incentives for renewable energy that would create thousands of jobs and boost American competitiveness in the global economy. Clean energy tax incentives like the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind, the 1603 Treasury grant program, and the Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C) have created jobs, and extending these incentives will create many more. Take action here.

Partner News

UWUA: ConEd lockout ends thanks to significant progressive support. Read more. Read letters of support from BGA and Sierra Club.

USW: Voters declare they are demanding aggressive action to help manufacturing as the ‘irreplaceable core of a strong economy. Read more. 

NRDC: The 17 percent reduction target embraced by President Obama is squarely within reach despite the gridlock in Congress. Read more. 

ATU: Fighting for mass transit and the current public transportation crisis. Read more. 

NWF: We’re united behind wildlife-friendly offshore wind energy. Read more.


Clean Energy Business News

General Electric, the nation's largest producer of wind turbines, is blaming a drop in orders on the uncertainty surrounding a wind-production tax credit. Read more. 

Fishermen’s Energy, has now got all the necessary federal and state documentation to start building the first U.S. demonstration offshore wind farm. Read more. 

A solar investigation that could trigger a wholescale trade war between China and the EU. Read more. 

Alcoa was recently recognized for conducting exemplary mining and reclamation at its Sandow Mine, showing excellent environmental stewardship. Read more. 

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed into law a bill that aims to stabilize the largest solar market in the United States. Read more.

Climate Corner

The perfect storm:
In one of the first links between climate change and ozone loss, strong summer storms are proving to pose a threat to the protective ozone layer. Read more.