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Tentative Agreement Reached in District 4 Frontier (former Verizon) negotiations

Tentative Agreement Reached in District 4 Frontier (former Verizon) negotiations. 

After two previous TA's were rejected, the Bargaining team announced a strike vote.  The Company and Union also agreed to use Mediation as a step in the bargaining process. Mediation is sometimes used in cases like this when the bargaining committees have reached Tentative Agreements which have been rejected by the members. The process is to bring in a neutral third party mediator from the FMCS (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service). Their role is to assist both sides in hopes of reaching an acceptable agreement. 

On Tuesday evening, August 13, 2013 the Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with Frontier.  A Presidents call will be held this week and explanation meetings will be set up by each Local in the upcoming weeks. These members have been working under an extension since February. 
The Bargaining Committee t
hanks to all members who supported the bargaining committee during these difficult rounds of negotiations with Frontier.