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Study find that Health Care Reform will help 18 million Baby Boomers

A new report from the Commonwealth Fund finds that there are 8.6 million uninsured Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 and 9.7 million with inadequate health coverage who will benefit from health care reform.

Baby boomers are suffering disproportionately in our current economy with the highest rates of long term unemployment. Its also much harder for Americans in this age group to find reasonably priced insurance on the individual market if they lose their employer coverage. Currently there are 8.6 million uninsured 50 to 64 year olds and 9.7 million with out-of-pocket costs that are much too high compared to their income.

Starting in 2014 all of these people will be able to find comprehensive coverage on new health care exchanges along with government subsidies to make the premiums affordable. The report also points out provisions that will help this age group immediately including new state run high-risk insurance pools and bans on lifetime benefit limits.

Commonwealth Fund President Karen Davis is quoted as saying "This report paints a picture of a baby boomer generation whose health and financial security are in jeopardy because of rising health care costs and declining health insurance coverage. The good news is that the Affordable Care Act is already making a difference for them.

-- Commonwealth Fund