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Special Industry Report: The Latest Trends in CWA’s Industries and Sectors

In this special report, the CWA News takes a look at major issues, trends and campaigns in the various industries and sectors where our members work — Telecom, the Public Sector, Health Care, Media, Manufacturing and Airlines.

It clearly shows that CWA members in every sector confront similar challenges, reflected in the four overarching goals of the union's Ready for the Future strategic plan:  Protecting jobs, health care benefits and retirement security and strengthening bargaining rights.

The following articles describe victories and also setbacks — but in every case, CWA is fighting back by building and mobilizing a Stewards Army of activists.  From lobbying for bargaining rights for university workers and pension fairness for flight attendants, to mobilizing for jobs of the future at GE and AT&T, organizing at anti-union Media News in the Bay Area and at Verizon Business, the common thread is grassroots activism.