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Southern Cal Interpreters Vote to Join CWA
The newest group of court interpreters to join The Newspaper Guild-CWA left no doubt that they’re eager to be union members: Better than 99 percent of them voted “yes.”
The California Federation of Interpreters, which represents foreign-language and sign- language court interpreters in southern California, was formed five years ago to improve wages and working conditions for interpreters. Two years ago, they staged a walkout to protest their low pay scales.
Now, as members of the Southern California Media Guild, TNG-CWA Local 69, they hope to win collective bargaining rights.
“Court interpreters are currently misclassified as independent contractors, but we don’t make our hours, we don’t set our own pay rates and we don’t work independently. We’re supervised and controlled by the court,” CFI President Uri Yaval said. “Obviously we’re court employees in all but name. In spite of the fact that we are an integral part of the justice system, we are denied protections and benefits that the law affords to workers.”
CFI is following the lead of the Bay Area Court Interpreters in northern California, which affiliated with TNG-CWA Local 21 last year. Together the groups represent about half of the state’s 1,300 certified and registered court interpreters.
BACI and CFI have held 14 meetings with interpreters around the state to organize more members and fight for collective bargaining. Toward that end, members are circulating petitions that will be presented to state legislators.
Besides California, CWA represents interpreters in New England and New Jersey, and 130 Cook County interpreters are close to affiliating with TNG-CWA Local in Chicago. And other interpreter groups may not be far behind.
“A year ago, we were at a national interpreters and translators conference and we gave the same workshop we’ve been giving in California,” said Stephanie Moore, an organizer with TNG-CWA Local 21. “The room was filled to overflowing. Interpreters from Alabama and Iowa and all sorts of places were interested in the kind of organizing we’re doing.”
The California Federation of Interpreters, which represents foreign-language and sign- language court interpreters in southern California, was formed five years ago to improve wages and working conditions for interpreters. Two years ago, they staged a walkout to protest their low pay scales.
Now, as members of the Southern California Media Guild, TNG-CWA Local 69, they hope to win collective bargaining rights.
“Court interpreters are currently misclassified as independent contractors, but we don’t make our hours, we don’t set our own pay rates and we don’t work independently. We’re supervised and controlled by the court,” CFI President Uri Yaval said. “Obviously we’re court employees in all but name. In spite of the fact that we are an integral part of the justice system, we are denied protections and benefits that the law affords to workers.”
CFI is following the lead of the Bay Area Court Interpreters in northern California, which affiliated with TNG-CWA Local 21 last year. Together the groups represent about half of the state’s 1,300 certified and registered court interpreters.
BACI and CFI have held 14 meetings with interpreters around the state to organize more members and fight for collective bargaining. Toward that end, members are circulating petitions that will be presented to state legislators.
Besides California, CWA represents interpreters in New England and New Jersey, and 130 Cook County interpreters are close to affiliating with TNG-CWA Local in Chicago. And other interpreter groups may not be far behind.
“A year ago, we were at a national interpreters and translators conference and we gave the same workshop we’ve been giving in California,” said Stephanie Moore, an organizer with TNG-CWA Local 21. “The room was filled to overflowing. Interpreters from Alabama and Iowa and all sorts of places were interested in the kind of organizing we’re doing.”