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Solidarity, German Style: ver.di Members to Leaflet DT Annual Meeting

Ver.di members will hand out this leaflet at the May 3 DT annual meeting.

At the Deutsche Telekom annual meeting in Cologne, Germany next week, members of ver.di, the union representing T-Mobile and DT workers in Germany, will be leafleting participants as they enter the meeting.

Some 50 ver.di members will be covering every entrance at the meeting site, handing out a leaflet that calls out T-Mobile USA for its "Wild West" behavior and its poor treatment of workers who want a union voice in the United States. As one T-Mobile USA worker said, "This is very impressive! 50 people devoted to handing out flyers so that we can have rights in America? Ver.di really is with us."

Ver.di has been working with CWA to focus public attention on the double standard of T-Mobile and parent company DT, which support workers' rights in European operations but refuse to do so in the United States.