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September 2011 District 6 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call Conducted Thursday, September 1, 2011 from 9:30 -11:30 a.m. (CST)

  • Participants-

Kristi Veit, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 6137
Robert Mahle, Vice President, and Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222
Jason Harwell, CWA Local 6225
Ed Stephens, President, CWA Local 6314
John Long, Vice President, CWA Local 6316
Carol Russell, Executive Vice President, CWA Local 6402
David Bagwell, CWA Local 6507
Tim Andrews, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 6508
Charlie Torres, CWA Representative
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

  • Participant Reports-

Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222 , mentioned AT&T has initiated an idling policy threatening discipline if technicians idle their vehicles for the purpose of turning on the vehicle's air conditioning to relieve her/him from heat stress. The company is justifying this policy under a Texas Department of Health and Environmental Quality regulation. However, this regulation has been adopted by only two counties- Dallas-Fort Worth and Austin . It was suggested all Texas District 6 locals request a copy of the policy as well as the state/county regulation from the company. All participants agreed we need to challenge the company re. its unfounded use of this regulatory procedure by placing members suffering from overheating/heat stress in harms way.

Tim Andrews, CWA Local 6508 , pointed out the use of the idling policy in Arkansas indicating locals need to ensure AT&T is providing members with safe and healthful working conditions.

Robert Mahle, CWA Local 6222, indicated, although a grievance was filed and later dismissed in Houston , locals need to file grievances over this matter. Robert also discussed a heat stress case in which a technician/member was hospitalized emphasizing the need for heat stress training.

Randy Rodriguez presented an overview of the CWA/USW occupational safety and health grant training at the recent Texas State Presidents Meeting. He discussed the various course topics- including heat stress- and the availability of training. Several local presidents indicated interest in conducting training.

  • CWA District 6/AT&T Occupational Safety and Health Committee-

Charlie Torres, CWA Representative , noted particular attention was given to two CWA topics: Heat Stress- with particular attention to heat stress cases involving members at Local 6143, 6222 and other locals- 28 total cases during 2011 - and Central Office battery issues- leaking batteries and concerns re. member exposure to hazardous chemicals. These issues will continue to receive attention by the joint committee. However, at this time the company has not taken adequate steps to ensure member safety and health.

The company has not responded to this issue in Central Office's represented by Local 6222 (and most likely other work sites as well). However, Kristi Veit, CWA Local 6137 , indicated the company properly conducted an investigation of Central Office battery hazards in Corpus Christi . Charlie Torres suggested the need to develop a CWA District 6 policy on batteries. David LeGrande indicated he would initiate this process.

  • CWA/USW Regional Occupational Safety and Health Conferences -

David LeGrande and Charlie Torres , encouraged participants to attend the CWA/USW Regional Occupational Safety and Health Conferences - either in Atlanta, Georgia from September 15-20 or Phoenix, Arizona from September 25-30. In addition to Monday's joint session emphasizing take-back safety and health action, exciting two and four-day training sessions will be conducted Tuesday through Friday.

  • Republican Members of Congress Legislative Assault on Occupational Safety and Health-

David LeGrande mentioned the Republican members of Congress have and will continue to attack workplace and environmental safety and health. This will include the introduction of bills intended to neutralize and prevent OSHA and EPA from fulfilling their legislative mandate to ensure safe and healthful workplaces and environments. He said he would continue to alert OSH activists of these anti-worker and environment actions.

  • Date of the Next District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next District 6 conference call will be conducted on Thursday, December 1, 2011 from 9:30- 11:30 a.m. (CST).