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September 2011 District 3 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call Conducted Thursday, September 1, 2011 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

  • Participants-

Steve Shaw, CWA Local 3106
Marc Hansmann and Nancy Underwood, CWA Local 3122
Kim Sadler, President, CWA Local 3511
Melissa Pike, Vice President, and Kelly Denson, CWA Local 3204
Sheila Beller, Vice President, and John Copas, CWA Local 3406
Ernie Johnson, President, CWA Local 3519
Robbie Pace, CWA Local 3806
Isa Shabazz, CWA Representative
Booker Lester, Administrative Director to the Vice President
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

  • Participant Reports-

Kelly Denson, CWA Local 3204 , indicated a member had suffered a workplace violence incident. He was mugged, but fortunately not hurt. The Union and AT&T are currently conducting an investigation of this matter. David LeGrande encouraged Kelly to provide updated information and to obtain copies of the recently updated CWA workplace violence booklet for distribution to the local's members.

Sheila Beller, CWA Local 3406 , reported AT&T is having clerical employees substitute as/perform security guard duties. The local is currently working to stop this company practice. Booker Lester indicated this issue should be raised with the appropriate CWA Staff.

Kim Sadler, CWA Local 3511, noted homeless people are sleeping/gathering outside of the entrance to the AT&T service representative work location in Jackson , Mississippi . Their behavior is quite disturbing to the local's members. David LeGrande suggested notifying the police and documenting all harassing incidents. Sheila mentioned she will continue working with the police and company to correct this situation.

  • CWA District 3/AT&T Occupational Safety and Health Committee-

Isa Shabazz, CWA Representative , mentioned the Union is attempting to introduce and move several issues through the committee (including heat stress) by relying on past practice between CWA and AT&T. Although this may be a lengthy process, the locals and District 3 office is committed to moving the agenda.

  • CWA/USW Regional Occupational Safety and Health Conferences-

David LeGrande and Booker Lester, Administrative Director to the Vice President, encouraged participants to register and attend the CWA/USW Regional Occupational Safety and Health Conference, September 11-16, 2011 in Atlanta , Georgia . President Cohen and Vice President Judy Dennis will be addressing the conference. Also, a host of exciting training sessions are scheduled throughout the week. In addition, conference participants will join with CWA Locals 3204, 3250, and District 3 Staff in demonstrating at a Verizon Wireless Store.

David mentioned an additional CWA/USW Regional Occupational Safety and Health Conference will be held September 25- 30, 2011 in Phoenix , Arizona . The agenda and training sessions will be identical to the Atlanta conference. A demonstration at a Verizon Wireless store is also planned.

  • Heat Stress-

David LeGrande summarized the Union's Heat Stress Campaign noting we have made significant progress in addressing member issues- particularly in Districts 6, 7, and 9. CWA OSH activists/CWA grant trainers have led the way in identifying member heat stress health problems and inadequate company policies (AT&T, Verizon, and Century-Link). To date, these OSH activists have conducted several heat stress training sessions. Also, where company deficiencies are identified, locals are filing grievances and discussing heat stress compliance with OSHA (federal and state) personnel. Given the significance of heat stress issues in District 3, similar activities need to be scheduled.

  • Republican Congress Legislative Assault on Occupational Safety and Health-

David LeGrande mentioned the Republican members of Congress have and will continue to attack workplace and environmental safety and health. This will include the introduction of bills intended to neutralize and prevent OSHA and EPA from fulfilling their legislative mandate to ensure safe and healthful workplaces and environments. He said he would continue to alert OSH activists of these anti-worker and environment actions.

  • Date of the Next District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference call will be conducted on Thursday, December 1, 2011 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.