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September 2010 District 7 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 7 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 from 1:00- 2:30 p.m.

Janet Mason, Vice President, CWA Local 7001
Paul Casteneda, President, CWA Local 7019
Nance Ballman, Secretary, CWA Local 7201
Carolyn Martinez, Vice President, CWA Local 7702
Jimmie Landa, Vice President, CWA Local 7704
Martha Van Driel, CWA Local 7707
Mike Lynch, President; Craig Dameron, Vice President; and Terry Mitchell, Vice President; CWA Local 7800
Ross Goulet, President, CWA Local 7818
Les French, CWA Local 7803 and
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director


  • Participant Reports/New Issues-

Nance Ballman, CWA Local 7201, reported Qwest trucks are not being adequately maintained. Ironically, the Company seems to be more concerned with disciplining workers than correcting the identified maintenance problems.

Terry Mitchell, CWA Local 7800, indicated the same problem is occurring inWashington. He noted a recent accident of a Company truck caused by steering problems- fortunately, the technician was not hurt.

Martha Van Driel, CWA Local 7707, reported a recent truck accident caused by inadequate/poorly operating springs- fortunately the technician was not injured. This same operating problem exists in several of the Company’s trucks.

Nance Ballman, CWA Local 7201, noted Qwest’s overtime policies/practices/requirements are causing technicians/members to develop health problems and family issues. For example, she indicated excessive Company overtime requirements date back to October,2009. Since that time, several members have reported health and behavioral problems such as nausea, fatigue, and anxiety. Nance indicated the overtime issue would be discussed at the upcoming CWA/Qwest Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health meeting. In turn, Nance said she would provide the outcome of these labor/management discussions.

Related to the same issue, Terry Mitchell, CWA Local 7800, reported Qwest’s increased productivity/performance requirements are leading to similar health concerns. Failure to achieve the required productivity/performance levels is resulting in disciplinary action taken against involved technicians.

Les French, CWA Local 7803, mentioned AT&T Mobility is not providing technicians with training re. the appropriate operation of ATVs and snowmobiles. This situation is going to lead to technicians experiencing accidents. Specific to Qwest, Terry Mitchell, CWA Local 7800, indicated the Company has provided technicians with adequate training. Other participants suggested pressure be put on AT&T Mobility to provide the necessary training and Terry should request a copy of the Qwest training materials and share it with Les (and David LeGrande).

Carolyn Martinez, CWA Local 7702, reported Qwest is not placing warning signs aroundrural work areas (as required by their own policy). David LeGrande suggested she share this information with Rick Sorensen for appropriate action.

Terry Mitchell, CWA Local 7800, indicated Qwest reports employee substance abuse is on the rise. David LeGrande asked Terry to request the Company provide data specific to his local and the greater Seattlearea. Also, David mentioned he would ask Rick Sorensen to make a similar request for the District 7 fourteen state Qwest operating region.

Janet Mason, CWA Local 7001, reported an incident in which a Qwest supervisor in Los Cruces, New Mexico, refused to provide technicians with potable ice water. This occurred after an ice machine in a Company warehouse quit working. However, the Local was able to have the Company fix the ice machine. Since that time, another problem has arisen- the tap water obtained in the warehouse is discolored, causing concern among technicians. Although the tests have not identified contaminants in the tap water, technicians remain suspicious. Given the extremely hot temperatures in Los Cruces, the issue of fresh, temperate (ice) water is very important to the health and well being of technicians (particularly because Company trucks are not air-conditioned). David LeGrande indicated he would call and request additional information from Janet.

Martha Van Driel, CWA Local 7707, reported Qwest is taking out or making restrooms inoperable in Central Offices. Craig Dameron, CWA Local 7800, this action has also taken place in the Seattle area. Where technicians cannot find a restroom (in a gas station or similar facility), they are using Company-provided potty bags and cleaning wipes. David LeGrande said he would raise this issue with Rick Sorensen for action.

  • CWA Local 3212 Member Fatality-

David LeGrande provided an update re. the January, 2010 fatality of William Britt Hunt (a member of CWA Local 3212 employed by AT&T). His death occurred while he was winding telecommunications cable onto a cable winch. During this operation, the cable wound around his feet dragging him into the winch. Unfortunately, AT&T had assigned Britt to perform this two-person job alone.

In June, 2010, OSHA completedits fatality and workplace investigations of the AT&T WestRomeServiceCenter, Rome, Georgia. In turn, OSHA issued citations against AT&T for several safety violations at the Company Service Center. The citations focused upon incorrect storage of liquid propane containers, incorrect placement and identification of fire extinguishers, and electrical hazards.

In addition, specific to the fatality of Britt Hunt, the OSHA compliance officer made the following recommendations:

  • Written procedures for the operation of assigned work with RL-10 reel equipment should be established to ensure all affected technicians understand the methods to safely operate equipment (“either in one man or two men crew” operations),
  • Procedures be developed to allow technicians to take the necessary time in recovering the telecommunications cable/wire necessary to perform the job in a safe and healthful manner,
  • All crews operating this equipment (i.e., the RL-10 reel) should be re-trained and re-evaluated using procedures or work rules that include all methods of cable/wire recovery.

Following the issuance of the citations and recommendations, in coordination with CWA District 3 and the Union’s Safety and Health Department, Caleb East, President, CWA Local 3212 filed a request for Party Status, ensuring CWA would be involved in all activities associated with the final resolution of this case. As expected, AT&T contested and requested OSHA vacate the citations. In a recent meeting with OSHA, AT&T, and CWA Local 3212, a settlement of the case was agreed to (Although due to lack of appropriate communication between OSHA and Local 3212, local representatives were not able to participate in this meeting between OSHA and the Company. As an alternative, the Union was able to attend a brief summary meeting with OSHA. Subsequently, AT&T has abated the hazards listed in the citations and the case has been closed. (Going forward, CWA District 3 leaders and activists will have the task of bringing the identified OSHA recommendations to the attention of the Company).

In memory of Britt Hunt, CWA District 3, Local 3212, and the Union’s Safety and Health Department, CWA will continue to actively seek a satisfactory resolution of the OSHA case.

  • CWA Local 4100 Member Fatality-

In April, 2010, Kevin James (a member of CWA Local 4100, Detroit, Michigan, employed by AT&T) was killed while performing aerial telecommunications cable repair work on a telephone pole when an overhead electrical line fell on him causing his death. Greg Wynn, President, CWA Local 4100, has been working with other CWA Locals, CWA Staff, Michigan OSHA, and AT&T to ensure this case is handled thoroughly and properly. David LeGrande added he has been working with Greg, CWA Representative Bryon Capper, and the Michigan OSHA compliance officer to move this process along. Upon completion of the Michigan OSHA investigation, information will be provided to all District 4 locals and CWA staff. Also, this information will be reviewed with involved AT&T management.

  • CWA Heat Stress Campaign-

David LeGrande reported on the status of the Union’s Heat Stress Campaign. The CWA fact sheet, “Extreme Heat,” and heat stress survey have been developed and distributed/posted on the Union’s Safety and Health web-page. Thus far, some 800 surveys have been completed and company heat stress policies and OSHA and NIOSH heat stress guidelines and recommendations have been collected. At present, sponsored by the Union’s Telecommunications Strategic Industry Fund, the Safety and Health Department is identifying scientists to analyze collected data and write the reports specific to these findings.

In addition, within Districts 3, 6, 7, and 9, the Safety and Health Department will be identifying and working with district staff and selected local union safety and health activists in a mobilization effort to distribute and collect specific information from affected members. In turn, these members will provide additional input regarding working conditions and solutions in their geographic area. Together, collected information will be used by CWA to improve member working conditions and regulatory and legislative requirements upon represented employers.

  • National/Regional/State Regulatory/Legislative Issues-

9/11 WorldTradeCenter Legislation: In May, 2010, H.R. 6594, the James Zadroga Medical Monitoring and Treatment Act was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee. However, the bill was not passed by the required margin of the full House of Representatives. During September, 2010, CWA, the AFL-CIO, other unions, COSH, and public health organizations will re-initiate efforts to have this legislation enacted by U.S. Congress.

Robert C. Byrd Miner Safety Health Act, H.R. 5663: David LeGrande mentioned the Act is expected to receive consideration by legislators during this Congressional session. CWA, other unions, the AFL-CIO, COSH and public health organizations are working collaboratively to make this happen. As the legislation begins to receive additional Congressional attention, more information will be provided.

The legislation covers both mine and general industry safety and health issues. Specific to general industry workplaces, issues include:

- Increasing employer civil and criminal penalties for job safety and health violations,

- Requiring correction of serious workplace hazards during the period of time when employer contest/appeal is pending, - - Enhancing whistleblower protection for workers who raise job safety and health concerns and report injuries and illnesses, and - Providing victims of workplace injuries and illnesses as well as family members the right to participate/be heard in OSHA investigations.

  • CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Training-

David LeGrande provided an update re. the status of the five-year (2010-1015) $7 million training grant recently awarded to CWA and the USW by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). To date, CWA District Vice Presidents as well as Public, Health Care, and Education Workers Vice President Brooks Sunkett and IUE-CWA President Jim Clark have been asked and have appointed occupational safety and health activists to serve as trainers under the grant. Representing District 7 will be: Mike Nord, CWA Local 7804.

Upon completion of training sessions in September and November, trainers will initiate trainingsessions among CWA members.

  • Date of the Next CWA District 7 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next CWA District 7 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8, 2010 from 1:00- 3:00 p.m. (MST).