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Scholarships Expand Access to CWA/NETT Academy
Staying competitive in an increasingly high-tech manufacturing setting has been a challenge for Visteon Automotive and IUE-CWA. That's why Local 84919 has turned to the CWA/NETT Academy to ramp up its education and training program.
With the help of scholarships, 21 members of the local began studying in March for Cisco Systems' A+ certification through the CWA/NETT Academy.
Two years ago the plant employed 2,600 workers, but through layoffs, retirements and attrition, it's now down to 1,985.
"With people getting laid off like they are here in our building, it's great for them to get this training that will enable them to find new jobs," or possibly be re-assigned within the company, said Ange Kuntz, president of the Connersville, Ind., local.
Local Initiative
In 1998, Visteon, a Ford Motor Co. subsidiary, instituted a new "scroll compressor" production process, making broad use of computer-controlled robots. Shortly thereafter, Cathy Metcalf became one of three full-time Local 84919 trainers at the plant, helping administer a grant from the governors' office. About 400 workers studied blue print reading, math, safety and quality awareness at Ivy Technical College in Connersville. After six months, 400 local members graduated with certificates of technical advancement.
Then, Metcalf and local trainers Sam Snyder and Jerry Larson began working with management on a proposal for an Alliance grant from the state Workforce Development office. Under that grant, nearly 100 workers earned certifications in Microsoft Word and Excel in 2002.
But members craved more. "Our people wanted to get certified in A+," Metcalf said. "It furthers their education and if they get laid off, it will give them broader options for finding work."
Opportunities Abound
Local 84919 is one of 17 locals to benefit from the latest round of CWA/NETT scholarships. In recent months the union has awarded funds for technical training to 70 members nationwide.
With IUE-CWA and NABET-CWA members also taking courses, the academy's reach has expanded beyond the telecom sector.
"Our training programs increasingly cut across sectoral lines and prepare members for advancement or new jobs," CWA Executive Vice President Larry Cohen said.
In conjunction with Stanly Community College in Albemarle, N.C., CWA/NETT offers a range of courses leading to A+ and Cisco's vaunted CCNA certifications, as well as fundamentals of UNIX; voice and data cabling; MOUS, Powerpoint, Excel, Access and Java.
CWA has bargained training benefits with various employers. Limited scholarships are available, and courses are now open to members' spouses and children.
Students enroll and complete assignments online and do lab work at one of 12 CWA/NETT labs across the country - in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Jose, Calif., Albemarle, N.C., New York City, Cleveland; Denver, Houston, Milwaukee, Seattle, Virginia Beach, Va. and Washington, D.C. Most labs are housed by CWA locals. The union will deploy a mobile lab for groups of 10 or more.
The 16-week A+ course in computer upgrade and repair includes 12 labs, 12 to 16 hours, with a proctor. The more advanced Cisco Certified Network Associate program consists of three self-paced semesters, each with eight hours in the lab.
"For us, this is a pilot program," Metcalf said. With the local's trainers, she sets up conference calls with instructors at Stanly and coordinates four study groups to help ensure students' success.
"Without CWA, we never could have done this," she said. "We have at least a hundred more people who want to take this course."
Snyder, one of the trainers, said, "This is grass roots economic development. Our children seeing us attending school after 10, 20, or even 30 years in the workforce will propel our belief that learning is for life."
With the help of scholarships, 21 members of the local began studying in March for Cisco Systems' A+ certification through the CWA/NETT Academy.
Two years ago the plant employed 2,600 workers, but through layoffs, retirements and attrition, it's now down to 1,985.
"With people getting laid off like they are here in our building, it's great for them to get this training that will enable them to find new jobs," or possibly be re-assigned within the company, said Ange Kuntz, president of the Connersville, Ind., local.
Local Initiative
In 1998, Visteon, a Ford Motor Co. subsidiary, instituted a new "scroll compressor" production process, making broad use of computer-controlled robots. Shortly thereafter, Cathy Metcalf became one of three full-time Local 84919 trainers at the plant, helping administer a grant from the governors' office. About 400 workers studied blue print reading, math, safety and quality awareness at Ivy Technical College in Connersville. After six months, 400 local members graduated with certificates of technical advancement.
Then, Metcalf and local trainers Sam Snyder and Jerry Larson began working with management on a proposal for an Alliance grant from the state Workforce Development office. Under that grant, nearly 100 workers earned certifications in Microsoft Word and Excel in 2002.
But members craved more. "Our people wanted to get certified in A+," Metcalf said. "It furthers their education and if they get laid off, it will give them broader options for finding work."
Opportunities Abound
Local 84919 is one of 17 locals to benefit from the latest round of CWA/NETT scholarships. In recent months the union has awarded funds for technical training to 70 members nationwide.
With IUE-CWA and NABET-CWA members also taking courses, the academy's reach has expanded beyond the telecom sector.
"Our training programs increasingly cut across sectoral lines and prepare members for advancement or new jobs," CWA Executive Vice President Larry Cohen said.
In conjunction with Stanly Community College in Albemarle, N.C., CWA/NETT offers a range of courses leading to A+ and Cisco's vaunted CCNA certifications, as well as fundamentals of UNIX; voice and data cabling; MOUS, Powerpoint, Excel, Access and Java.
CWA has bargained training benefits with various employers. Limited scholarships are available, and courses are now open to members' spouses and children.
Students enroll and complete assignments online and do lab work at one of 12 CWA/NETT labs across the country - in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Jose, Calif., Albemarle, N.C., New York City, Cleveland; Denver, Houston, Milwaukee, Seattle, Virginia Beach, Va. and Washington, D.C. Most labs are housed by CWA locals. The union will deploy a mobile lab for groups of 10 or more.
The 16-week A+ course in computer upgrade and repair includes 12 labs, 12 to 16 hours, with a proctor. The more advanced Cisco Certified Network Associate program consists of three self-paced semesters, each with eight hours in the lab.
"For us, this is a pilot program," Metcalf said. With the local's trainers, she sets up conference calls with instructors at Stanly and coordinates four study groups to help ensure students' success.
"Without CWA, we never could have done this," she said. "We have at least a hundred more people who want to take this course."
Snyder, one of the trainers, said, "This is grass roots economic development. Our children seeing us attending school after 10, 20, or even 30 years in the workforce will propel our belief that learning is for life."