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Scholarship Applications Available

The CWA Joe Beirne Foundation will award 30 two-year scholarships for 2002-2003, to be paid at the rate of $3,000 annually, to active and retired members and their spouses or sons and daughters. Grandchildren of members are also eligible.

“In his capacity as the first CWA president, Beirne took great pride in the roles he played in the fields of education and learning and other areas of social concern,” said CWA President Morton Bahr, noting that application forms are available from all local presidents. The Beirne Foundation is funded by contributions from CWA locals, members and officers.

The awards will be given to students to attend state colleges, universities, community colleges or private institutions.

Applicants must be high school graduates or students who will graduate during the current school year. Completed applications must be postmarked by March 31, 2002.

The foundation also funds several grants, including scholarship assistance to noncollege-bound persons, grants for community and social services training and fellowships and internships.

Grant application guidelines have also been mailed to all locals. While there is no deadline, applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible.