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RMC District 2-13 Election Notice

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Date: October 27th, 2015

To: Retired Members’ Council Executive Board & District 2-13 Chapter Presidents

From: Calvin Foster, RMC Election Chair

Subject: Chapter President and Vice President Elections 2015 for the January 2016 to December 31, 2020 Term of Office for RMC District 2-13.

Brothers and Sisters,

On October 1st, 2015 you were notified that per our RMC Bylaws and Election Rules the following nominees from RMC District 2 and separately RMC District 13 have no challengers and therefore are elected by acclamation for the 2016-2020 term of office.

RMC District 2 President - Micheal Vivirito

RMC District 2 Vice President - Jenny Sylvester

RMC District 13 President - Steve Yokopenic

RMC District 13 Vice President - Joseph C. Kincade. Jr.

However, the Delegates at the CWA 73rd Convention, in 2011 adopted changes to the CWA Constitution that included, Within the Council, Districts 2 and 13 shall not be combined until the end of the 2012 term.” This combines these two RMC Districts into one at the end of the 2012 term of office.  

The above nominees for District 2 and District 13 were not elected by acclamation for the 2016-2020 Term of office for the combined RMC District 2-13. Therefore, in keeping with the CWA Constitution we will be holding a separate special election for the President and Vice President for the combined RMC District 2-13. The District 2-13 President shall also serve as delegate to CWA Conventions during their term of office and the District 2-13 Vice Presidents shall serve as alternate to the CWA Conventions during their term of office.

Article 5, Section 6, Retired Members’ Council “The elections shall be conducted in accordance with Council bylaws, federal and provincial laws and this Constitution. Any challenge to the Council Executive Board elections or Council officers’ elections shall be resolved in accordance with the Council bylaws. You will find the current RMC bylaws at

The following are dates and the logistics for RMC Elections of President and Vice President, District 2-13.

Oct. 27, 2015

Notice of Election posted on website and emailed to District 2-13 LTM’s.

Self-Nominations Open for RMC President, and Vice President District 2-13. All Self-Nominations must be submitted to and received by Election Chair Calvin Foster, c/o RMC Attention Cristi Mason by 4PM EST, November 12, 2015. Email, , and Fax, 202 434 1481, will be accepted with confirmation of receipt. Mailing address 501 3rd Street N.W., 10th Floor, Washington DC 20001.

Nov. 12, 2015

4PM EST Nominations Close.

Nov. 16, 2015

One page Candidate Information Sheet is due by 4PM EST, November 16, 2015. The RMC will insert a one page campaign flyer as provided by the candidate.

The flyer is limited to a one 8.5x11 inches, single sided sheet. Unless provided by the nominee this campaign flyer will be photo copied in black and white for the ballot packages

Nov. 18, 2015

Final Verification of Local Chapters Voting Strength (October 1, 2015), and Mailing of the Ballot Packages to Chapter Presidents in District 2-13.

Dec. 7, 2015

Last Day for Candidates to Designate an Observer for Ballot Count on December 10, 2015. On the day of the count each candidate may have an observer present at their own expense. December 7, 2015 is Last day to notify the Election Chair who is the candidates designated observer.

Dec. 10, 2015

All ballots must be received at the CWA Headquarters, Attention Calvin Foster at 501 3rd Street N.W., 10th Floor, Washington DC 20001 no later than December 9, 2015 by 4PM, in order to be valid and eligible for counting.

To meet eligibility requirements, you should ensure that your Name and RMC Chapter # are printed legibility on the outside return envelope. Please do not mark on the “secret ballot envelope”

Dec 11, 2015

Counting of the Ballots. On December 10, 2015 the RMC Election Chair shall oversee; the verification, counting of the ballots and certification of the election.

If there you have any other election questions feel free to contact;

Calvin Foster, RMC CWA Election Chairman 301-651-9721