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Report Documents Impact of Radio Consolidation on Jobs, Communities

A new report by the CWA-backed Future of Music Coalition documents how the consolidation of media ownership in radio has hurt workers, diversity of programming and local communities.

The analysis was released as the Federal Communications Commission announced it will again seek to weaken ownership limits among media outlets.

Consolidation of ownership has virtually eliminated the ability of radio stations to provide unique coverage of local news, music and community issues, the report found. As the FCC opens its review process, "it should understand the impact that deregulation has had on jobs and communications," the coalition said.

Since 1996, when the cap on the allowable number of radio stations owned by one entity was lifted, radio operations including programmers, reporters, engineering and broadcast technician jobs, and on-air disc jockeys have been centralized and consolidated as owners seek to cut more costs.

NABET-CWA President John S. Clark, whose sector represents technicians and other workers in the radio industry, said "the consolidation of radio ownership has been a disaster, for employees and citizens who once could rely on their community radio stations for local news and the opportunity for diverse opinion. Instead, pre-recorded, automated and nationally directed programming has resulted in the loss of thousands of jobs for radio workers, and has deprived listeners of the local voice they want."

Linda Foley, president of TNG-CWA, said the study reinforced what news professionals already know about consolidation of media ownership: it results in fewer newsroom jobs and fewer resources devoted to reporting the news.