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Unions Ask OSHA to Ensure Workers are Protected from H1N1 Virus

CWA is among unions asking OSHA to take action to ensure protection for health care workers and others at risk of exposure to the H1N1 virus, otherwise known as swine flu.

In a letter to OSHA, the unions ask that the agency make sure that guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control are being met. “Unfortunately there is documented evidence that in a number of states and facilities, these guidelines are not being followed,” the letter states.

Guidelines involve safe interaction with patients through airborne precautions, including surgical masks and eye protection. The letter noted that a survey of SEIU nurses in California earlier this month found that 92 percent of respondents “strongly disagreed” or “disagreed” with the statement that their facilities were adequately protecting staff during the infection outbreak.

The letter also asks OSHA to immediately issue a “hazard alert and/or compliance directive” that makes it clear that exposure to the H1N1 virus in health and emergency response settings “poses a recognized hazard to workers and requires protective measures.”

“Taking these steps will make clear to health care employers their obligations to protect workers, and will reaffirm to health care workers that the government is taking the necessary steps to ensure they are protected,” the letter stated.

In addition to CWA and the AFL-CIO, the letter is signed by AFT, AFSCME, IAFF, UAW, the Laborers International, SEIU and the Steelworkers.