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Progress at US Airways

Passenger service professionals at US Airways are making excellent strides toward the goals agents set out to achieve in negotiations with the airline. These include an end to two-tier compensation; a fair retirement system; "fence" provisions to enable agents to maintain seniority in bidding; a fair grievance and arbitration system; restoration of holidays, vacation and sick days; and other issues members have determined are important to them.

How You Can Help

American Agents Gain a Real Voice

President Bahr is calling on CWA members to join in the organizing effort at American Airlines. "During our campaign at US Airways, CWA members took the opportunity to talk with agents about what CWA representation means and the real benefits it brings. We need to repeat that success at American Airlines operations nationwide," he said.

Ballots will be sent out beginning Nov. 12, and that means that agents will be returning their votes during the Thanksgiving holiday, with the votes to be counted Dec. 15. Bahr urged all CWA leaders and members to talk to agents at the airports or the city ticket offices when making travel plans. "Even if you're flying on another airline during the holiday travel season, take a few minutes to stop by the American Airlines ticket counters and gates to let agents know why you belong to CWA," he said.

Just tell the agents:

  • I'm a CWA member, and we're looking forward to having you with us in our union.

  • A union voice makes all the difference- in wages, benefits, working conditions, respect.

  • CWA is one of the most democratic and forward-looking unions in America today. I'm proud to be a member.

  • Thousands of us do customer service work. We've won job protections, education benefits and a real say in the policies of our workplaces.