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President's Son, John Eisenhower, Endorses Kerry

A lifelong Republican until now, John Eisenhower, 82-year-old son of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, explained in a guest column in the Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader why he plans to vote for John Kerry this year.

He listed the Bush administration's unilateral approach to invading Iraq, soaring budget deficits resulting from tax cuts for the rich, and tax policies that promote job loss.

Eisenhower, who served as ambassador to Belgium between 1969 and 1971, and who has authored several books on military subjects, cited President George H.W. Bush's marshaling of world opinion through the United Nations when he used force against Iraq in 1991, drawing a contrast with his son's go-it-alone invasion and occupation.

"Leadership involves setting a direction and building consensus, not viewing other countries as practically devoid of significance," he wrote, noting that the administration "has confused confident leadership with hubris and arrogance."

Criticizing the Bush tax cut favoring the wealthiest 1 percent, Eisenhower stated: "Republicans (in past years) disliked taxes, of course, but the party accepted them as a necessary means of keeping the nation's financial structure sound. The Republicans used to be deeply concerned for the middle class and small business. Today's Republican leadership, while not solely accountable for the loss of American jobs, encourages it with its tax code and heads us in the direction of a society of very rich and very poor."

Noting that he has changed his party affiliation to independent, Eisenhower concluded: "Senator Kerry... has demonstrated that he is courageous, sober, competent, and concerned with fighting the dangers associated with the widening socio-economic gap in this country. I will vote for him enthusiastically."