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Plunging into Politics
In office or on the campaign trail, CWA members are giving workers a voice.
It can be risky, intimidating, ego-deflating and maddening, not to mention a lot of hard work. But it may also be the most satisfying, inspiring, productive and important job you’ll ever hold.
Political service, be it a town council in rural America, an inner-city school board, a state legislature or any other elective office, is drawing a growing number of CWA members. They are heeding the AFL-CIO’s call for “2000 in 2000,” which aims to recruit 2,000 union members to run for office this year.
“When your state legislature debates cutting workers’ compensation or government services, which elected official would you trust — a country club lawyer or a union brother or sister?” the 2000 in 2000 campaign asks.
CWA members cite a variety of reasons for running for office, from concerns about economic development to dissatisfaction with the quality of education to a desire to shake up a stale board or council. But they bring a worker’s sensitivities to each issue.
What follows are snapshots of CWA members who are candidates for office this year, or are already in office. Full of enthusiasm and energy, they want to encourage other members to get involved in politics.
Future issues of the CWA News will include more coverage of members in politics. Please let us know if you’ve thrown your hat in the ring. Contact writer Janelle Hartman at (202) 434-1162 or, by e-mail, at Or write us at CWA News, 501 Third St. N.W., Washington, DC 20001.
It can be risky, intimidating, ego-deflating and maddening, not to mention a lot of hard work. But it may also be the most satisfying, inspiring, productive and important job you’ll ever hold.
Political service, be it a town council in rural America, an inner-city school board, a state legislature or any other elective office, is drawing a growing number of CWA members. They are heeding the AFL-CIO’s call for “2000 in 2000,” which aims to recruit 2,000 union members to run for office this year.
“When your state legislature debates cutting workers’ compensation or government services, which elected official would you trust — a country club lawyer or a union brother or sister?” the 2000 in 2000 campaign asks.
CWA members cite a variety of reasons for running for office, from concerns about economic development to dissatisfaction with the quality of education to a desire to shake up a stale board or council. But they bring a worker’s sensitivities to each issue.
What follows are snapshots of CWA members who are candidates for office this year, or are already in office. Full of enthusiasm and energy, they want to encourage other members to get involved in politics.
Future issues of the CWA News will include more coverage of members in politics. Please let us know if you’ve thrown your hat in the ring. Contact writer Janelle Hartman at (202) 434-1162 or, by e-mail, at Or write us at CWA News, 501 Third St. N.W., Washington, DC 20001.