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Pay for the Union Sales Team Sale Incentive Plan

To: All AT&T (Legacy) CSSC Locals

From: Lois J. Grimes-Patow, Administrative Director

Subject: Pay for the Union Sales Team Sale Incentive Plan

Approximately one month ago AT&T presented to CWA a new pay for sale incentive plan.  The proposed plan was difficult and cumbersome.  The Union Sales Subcommittee met on the proposals and worked very hard to amend it to be a fit for the Legacy T centers.  Ultimately we decided that we could not make the plan work for the T centers and we rejected the proposal stating to the Company that we wished to continue under our current incentive plan and the "big ticket" raffle program.

On Friday of last week AT&T sent us the 45-day letter stating their intent to exit the current pay for sale plan and big ticket raffle program.  We have already requested bargaining with the Company on a new incentive plan.  We are hopeful that AT&T will come to the table with a plan that will work with our centers.

I am attaching a copy of the Union Sales Team letter to Steve Leonard so that you can have an idea of the scope of what we examined, and know that the Union's decision was not made lightly.

Our members need to let management know they are not happy with the Company's decision to exit the incentive plan.  Our members should also let Bob Daniel, Senior Vice President of Sales and Service centers, know that the Company's retaliation against them because we do not fit their predesigned mold is unacceptable.  This is hitting our wallets and we have always worked with the Company on incentive matters, this is intolerable.  Mr. Daniel can be reached at (404) 927-7016.

Thank you for your attention to this very serious matter.  We will keep you updated as we make progress.