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Pay for Sale Incentive

TO:  All CSSC  Locals

FROM:  Lois J. Grimes-Patow, Administrative Director

First, let me apologize that I have not had the time nor opportunity to work on a web posting for the CSSC's regarding the Sales Incentive process.  While some local presidents have nothing better to do than disparage the Union we have been trying very hard to come up with a workable incentive.  That was not possible.  On Friday, December 12, 2008 after the company rejected our proposal which would have attempted to level the playing field for the Legacy T centers, I rejected participating in a substandard program.  Subsequently CWA has filed a Board charge alleging bad faith bargaining by AT&T.

There appears to be a misunderstanding that we must participate in these programs regardless of how damaging they may be to our membership.  While we may have some members who make money that is not the only consideration when we look at approving plans.  We also consider fairness for all members, integrity of the plan etc.  We currently have contractual language that addresses Recognition and Award Programs and no program(s) can be implemented without bargaining if the program(s) amount to over $50 in a calendar year.  That language was overwhelmingly ratified by our membership.

AT&T must bargain and bargain in good faith over these programs.  We will not sacrifice the good of the majority to benefit a small minority of employees.  I would just like to remind everyone that UNION means working in a united manner for the greater good.  The Sales Subcommittee has worked tirelessly to that end and for a certain local president to assail the team-members in this manner is uncalled for.  The Sales Subcommittee was appointed by the Locals to work with the National Office on behalf of all members. 

As we make progress on the Board charge I will keep you informed.