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Pausing to Remember

Eleven years, we lost thousands of Americans to a national tragedy. As CWA President Larry Cohen said yesterday,

Many of those we lost on September 11, 2011, were proud union members–flight attendants, broadcast technicians, port authority employees, pilots, firefighters, police officers–as were the thousands who responded to sift the rubble and begin the process of rebuilding.

On this day, in solidarity as a nation, we both honor the fallen and continue to work for the rights of the living.

Verizon employees worked tirelessly—endangering their own health—for weeks and months after the Twin Towers came down, restoring vital communications services to the area. Now we must make sure that the same company that calls these workers “heroes” does not slash their hard-earned health benefits. We must make sure that they don’t pay a further price for stepping up and doing their jobs in our national hour of crisis.