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Pandemic Flu (Influenza)

OSHA recently issued a new guidance for the protection of workers from Avian Flu viruses: "Guidance on Preparing for an Influenza Pandemic." This guidance document sets up an "Occupational Risk Pyramid" primarily covering healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses, dentists, and emergency medical technicians (EMT's).  While CWA represents nurses and EMT's, there are several other categories of represented workers that are not included in the guidance document such as:

  • Telecommunications workers,
  • Police,
  • Hospice,
  • Nursing home,
  • Home healthcare, and
  • Social Workers.

The main protection recommended by OSHA in the Agency's guidance document is proper hand hygiene and the use of (at least) N-95 respirators.  CWA, along with the AFL-CIO, is recommending at the minimum the use of N-100 respirators.  CWA and the AFL-CIO are also opposed to the guidance document not being issued as an enforceable regulation.

The main thrust of the guidance document puts more emphasis upon maintaining the "continuity of business operations" (AFL-CIO) versus protecting workers on the front line.  While the guidance document mentions the use of N-95 respirators, it doe not require their use or the implementation of the OSHA "Respiratory Protection" standard when respiratory protection is instituted.  Further, the guidance document does not require the implementation of the OSHA Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Standard when other forms of PPE such as gloves and protective clothing are required for use by front line workers.

Click on the following links for more information:

The AFA-CWA Air Safety, Health, and Security Department Website.  The AFA-CWA Air Safety, Health, and Security Department website describes the safety and health situations faced by its members as well as the flying public and gives recommendations for action.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Website.  The CDC website provides updates on the avian flu issue. The CDC's emphasis targets the public health consequences of a possible pandemic.

AFL-CIO Safety & Health Department Website.  The AFL-CIO website is a good source for information on how a flu pandemic can impact workers (the front line on fighting the spread of influenza).