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PA Voter ID Mess Solved - If You're Famous

If you’re an elderly vet who gave up his driver’s license, you’re most likely not going to be able to vote in the November elections in Pennsylvania. But if your son is Jim Cramer, the wacky host of CNBC’s financial show “Mad Money,” you'll get some personal attention from the state voter registration agency. After tweeting that his father wouldn’t be able to vote, Cramer’s dad got a personal phone call and help from state officials.

Too bad the estimated 750,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania who don’t have an “official” state-issued form of identification won’t get the same service. They’ll just lose their right to vote, unless the State Supreme Court finds that the law is unconstitutional.

That hearing starts this Thursday in Philadelphia. The NAACP, CWA and others will hold a news conference just before the hearing to show how nasty this partisan attack on citizens’ right to vote has become.