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Organizing Roundup: Other Recent Victories
- CWA Local 1117 won an election for 24 employees at Custom Crews, an underground wiring contractor for Bell Atlantic. The vote was 13-6 with four challenged
ballots. District 1 Organizing Coordinator Jeff Lacher said Local 1122 organizer John Mudie and Local 1117 President Roger Chenez worked with the group. - Computer programmers at Associated Press in Kansas City, Mo., voted 5-1 to become members of CWA Local 1314, which represents AP technicians nationwide. Local organizers Russ Hall and Karl Jendretsky countered a New York manager's attempt to dissuade the workers.
- CWA Local 3607, Greensboro, N.C., received recognition for representation of seven secretaries employed by Teamsters Local 391. District 3 Organizing Coordinator Marilyn Baird reported that CWA Representative Wallace Weaver and Local 3607 Sec.-Treas. Vicki Gordon contributed to the project.
- SBC Wireless became organized wall-to-wall in Texas, reported Danny Fetonte, District 6 area director - organizing, when CWA Local 6210 signed up 9 out 12
workers. District 6 Vice President Ben Turn Jr. credited district Organizing Coordinator Sandy Rusher and local President Mark Ewig for their persistence in the campaign. - Al Rudy, administrative assistant to Printing Sector President Bill Boarman, reported a voluntary recognition and first contract for all 10 employees of Clouds Image and Printing, a commercial print shop in Miami, Fla. Sector Representative Charlie Boykin and CWA Local President Regina Ross played major rolls in both the organizing and bargaining.
- Five workers at Chuck Pick Printers now have a union contract as a result of voluntary recognition from this commercial printer. Sector representative Ken Prairie assisted in the campaign.
- Chicago Typographical Union 16/CWA Local 14408 won voluntary recognition and a contract for three employees of the Cook County Department of Central Services. Rudy said local President Steve Berman was instrumental in the project.
- TNG-CWA Canada won an election 16-5 to represent 23 child care workers at four foster care and child treatment homes in the Sudbury area. TNG-CWA Director of Field Operations Eric Geist said the local filed for certification in August.