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Organizing Roundup: Other Recent Victories
- Licensed practical nurses at Leisure Chateau Care Center in Lakewood, N.J. won a National Labor Relations Board election 27-3. District 1 CWA Representative Carol Gay praised Local 1040 organizers Connie English and Lorenzo Carnizares for their work on the campaign.
- Human Rights Watch office staff in New York, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles chose CWA, 28-1, in an NLRB election. "The staff was working on a right-to- organize project and chose to walk the talk," said District 1 Organizing Coordinator Ed Sabol. He credited CWA Local 1180 Vice President Bill Henning for coordinating the drive.
- Inspectors and program staff at the Atlantic County Board of Health (N.J.) voted 21-1 to join CWA. Local 1038 Secretary-Treasurer Colleen Reilly and CWA Representative Don Rice led the campaign.
- District 2 Organizing Coordinator Ron Collins and CWA Local 2007 President Rick Mabrey announced that 15 telephone operators at the Greenbrier Hotel in West Virginia have gained recognition. CWA Representative Steve Moss assisted in the campaign.
- CWA Local 4340 was successful in bringing union representation to eight employees at the State Employee Relations Board in Saybrook Township, Ohio.
- Nine employees at SBC Wireless in Jefferson City, Mo. have gained representation with CWA Local 6314.
- AT&T Local Service workers in Kansas City, Mo., voted 9-5 to join CWA despite management giving them a 6 percent pay raise and appreciation dinner. District 6 Vice President Ben G. Turn Jr. credited the victory to the hard work of local President Judi Sterns, Executive Vice President Terry Antos and organizer Stephanie Haynes. Danny Fetonte, District 6 area director - organizing, said CWA Representative Dave Locke also played a key role.
- Printing, Publishing and Media Workers Sector Local 14922 has won voluntary recognition for five production employees at Copy Cat Printers in Las Vegas. A new collective bargaining agreement is now in effect. Sector Representative Ken Prairie provided leadership support.
- Nine technicians of the National Basketball Association - Entertainment Unit voted 4-3 to join ABET-CWA Local 11, reported local Organizing Director Gene Garnes.