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NYNEX/Bell Atlantic Pregnancy Discrimination Suit Settled

A pregnancy discrimination suit brought by CWA and others against the former NYNEX/Bell Atlantic companies has been settled, and was expected to receive preliminary approval from a New York federal judge as the CWA News went to press.

The settlement, expected to affect about 10,000 women, calls for additional weeks of service credit for women who took a pregnancy or maternity leave from the involved east coast companies beginning at any time between July 2, 1965, and April 28, 1979. It also affects workers who took a care of newborn child leave between July 2, 1965 and Dec. 31, 1983.

Class members who file timely claims and related documents will receive the adjusted credit and, if applicable, adjustments in their pension benefits.

The basic benefits for all class members are: Seven weeks of service credit for each pregnancy, maternity or care of newborn child leave between July 2, 1965 and Aug. 7, 1977; two weeks service credit for such leave between Aug. 8, 1977 and April 28, 1979; and two weeks service credit for leave between April 29,1979 and Dec. 31, 1983.

Certain class members may be eligible for additional credit. In late April, all class members will be notified by mail about settlement terms and filing deadlines. A toll-free hotline will be established at that time to answer questions about the settlement and claims process.