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NY Guild Presses City on Cut Tax Breaks for Thomson Reuters

Members of the Newspaper Guild of New York/CWA Local 31003 keep mobilizing for a fair contract at Thomson Reuters.

Members of the Newspaper Guild of New York/CWA Local 31003 keep mobilizing for a fair contract at Thomson Reuters.

Members of the Newspaper Guild of New York/CWA Local 31003 at Thomson Reuters have some powerful allies in their fight for a fair contract. Local members who have been mobilizing for a fair contract covering 400 workers at Thomson Reuters have won support from members of the New York City Council and Borough Presidents, as well as leaders of the city's union movement

At a meeting this week of the city's Industrial Development Agency, the local pressed the agency to deny Thomson Reuters the tax exemptions it wants.

The local presented petitions from city residents, plus a letter to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed by CWA District 1 Vice President Chris Shelton and the leaders of eight other unions and city labor councils who said taxpayer dollars to Thomson Reuters should be frozen because the company hasn't met job creation benchmarks, has slashed compensation to employees and refuses to bargain a fair contract.

Eleven members of the New York City Council signed off on the letter condemning Thomson Reuters, and support also came from the New York City Public Advocate, and Borough Presidents in the Bronx and Manhattan.

The move lost by a 5-4 vote, but the agency did reduce the amount of tax credits that Thomson Reuters wanted and tied future tax breaks to the company's meeting specific job creation targets.

"Although the IDA did not shelve the company's grab for tax breaks, our voices were definitely heard and the company didn't get everything it wanted," said TNG-CWA Local 31003 President Bill O'Meara said.

In January, Thomson Reuters declared an impasse in bargaining, walked away from negotiations, and imposed pay cuts and onerous work rules. TNG-CWA members and supporters are continuing to mobilize and build allies and political support in their fight. For more, go to