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Not So Fast, Christie!

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie isn't getting away with his pension fund grab.

The latest objection comes from trustees of New Jersey's largest pension funds – the Public Employees' Retirement System, the Police and Fire Retirement System and the Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund – who have sued the governor for slashing $2.4 billion in promised pension fund payments so that he can fill the gap in his troubled budget.

The trustees noted that Christie "has shamelessly broken his word by derailing the proper funding of the pension funds, while at the same time demanding participants endure benefit reductions and higher employee contributions."

So they're demanding that the governor pay up or throw out the entire 2011 pension reform as a "breached contract."

Three years ago, Christie and state legislators had pushed through massive cuts to public workers' pension benefits, pledging that the state would begin to make bigger payments each year to the pension system to compensate for the state's meager contributions over the past 17 years. Workers held up their end of the bargain, but Christie reneged, putting pensions at risk. Reversing that law means restoring cost-of-living adjustments for retirees and lowering workers' pension contributions.

Unions representing public workers, including CWA, filed their own lawsuit in June, saying that Christie's action violated the state and federal constitutions.

Christie's administration recently disclosed that the state's unfunded pension liabilities had more than doubled to $83 billion.