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New IUE-CWA Local Fights for First Pact
One of the first groups to organize since the IUE and CWA agreed to merge has gone on strike against HBD Industries in Oneida, Tenn. The company manufactures industrial and automotive rubber products.
Rather than accept layoffs from well-paid permanent positions while HBD hired low-wage temporaries, the workers last August chose to organize. With the help of IUE-CWA Representative Gary McGuire, they mustered a 111-39 vote in a unit of 159 eligible workers, to become IUE-CWA Local 706. They elected officers, struggled for eight months to bargain a first contract and at midnight May 1 went on strike.
When HBD told senior workers making upwards of $10.44 an hour they would have to start over as temps with no benefits, Ted Brumett contacted McGuire. With Marshall Terry and other HBD employees, they put together a committee and quickly organized support for an National Labor Relations Board representation election.
Committee members made telephone calls and held one-on-one talks with co-workers. “The people primarily did it all themselves,” McGuire said. “In two days’ time they signed the vast majority of the membership there.”
The new local elected Brumett president and Terry, chief steward. Both serve on the bargaining committee with McGuire and are often found on the picket line with fellow strikers. They have been assisted by IUE-CWA Representative Debbie Beeler and by Bill King, assistant to IUE District 7 President Mike Bindas.
“You couldn’t ask for any more com-munity support than this strike has gotten,” McGuire said. “People bring us coffee, they bring us food, they’ve given us over $3,000.”
Businesses, state legislators, local unions and members of the religious community have all shown support. The strikers include eight ministers of local congregations.
CWA, IBEW and Steelworkers locals have sent contributions to the strikers, as well as members to walk the picket line.
Brumett said several technicians, members of CWA Local 3808 employed by Highland Telephone Cooperative also offered support.
“In the last 15 years, our members have gotten a total of about $1.15 in raises, while their health insurance costs increased,” McGuire said.
Since April, the company has only contacted the local through a federal mediator. “We’re available to bargain 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” McGuire said.
Rather than accept layoffs from well-paid permanent positions while HBD hired low-wage temporaries, the workers last August chose to organize. With the help of IUE-CWA Representative Gary McGuire, they mustered a 111-39 vote in a unit of 159 eligible workers, to become IUE-CWA Local 706. They elected officers, struggled for eight months to bargain a first contract and at midnight May 1 went on strike.
When HBD told senior workers making upwards of $10.44 an hour they would have to start over as temps with no benefits, Ted Brumett contacted McGuire. With Marshall Terry and other HBD employees, they put together a committee and quickly organized support for an National Labor Relations Board representation election.
Committee members made telephone calls and held one-on-one talks with co-workers. “The people primarily did it all themselves,” McGuire said. “In two days’ time they signed the vast majority of the membership there.”
The new local elected Brumett president and Terry, chief steward. Both serve on the bargaining committee with McGuire and are often found on the picket line with fellow strikers. They have been assisted by IUE-CWA Representative Debbie Beeler and by Bill King, assistant to IUE District 7 President Mike Bindas.
“You couldn’t ask for any more com-munity support than this strike has gotten,” McGuire said. “People bring us coffee, they bring us food, they’ve given us over $3,000.”
Businesses, state legislators, local unions and members of the religious community have all shown support. The strikers include eight ministers of local congregations.
CWA, IBEW and Steelworkers locals have sent contributions to the strikers, as well as members to walk the picket line.
Brumett said several technicians, members of CWA Local 3808 employed by Highland Telephone Cooperative also offered support.
“In the last 15 years, our members have gotten a total of about $1.15 in raises, while their health insurance costs increased,” McGuire said.
Since April, the company has only contacted the local through a federal mediator. “We’re available to bargain 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” McGuire said.