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More from the DT annual meeting: Kornelia Dubbel asks TMobile and DT, 'What Are You Afraid Of?'

Following are remarks by Kornelia Dubbel, ver.di member and member of the T Mobile supervisory board, at the annual meeting of Deutsche Telekom in Cologne. DT is the parent company of TMobile USA, a company that harasses, intimidates and interferes with workers who want union representation. That’s contrary to DT’s own policies. Ver.di, the union representing German workers at T-Mobile, has taken on, with CWA, the fight to end this double standard. And watch the video of Lothar Schroder's solidarity speech at the May Day demonstration.

“American T-Mobile workers and shareholders have come across the Atlantic today to participate in the Annual Meeting. They have come to express their concerns about how differently Deutsche Telekom treats its German workers and its workers abroad.

Especially in the United States, DT is known as an employer who spreads fear among its workers. There is fear of arbitrary dismissal for being “caught” by management for simply taking and reading a leaflet from the union, the Communications Workers of America. Why do you act this way? 

For many years, American management at T-Mobile has prevented CWA from introducing itself to the workers. That is the only way workers will have a choice as to whether they want to become a union member. 

But that is exactly what American management does not want! 

What are you afraid of, Mr Sattelberger?

And what is the Telekom board doing about this? 

These questions must be asked today, because of the damage this action causes to the company image. That damage already has been tremendous and not only in the US.

U.S. pension fund managers, who administer and invest the pensions funds of their members and other shareholders already have asked Mr. Obermann those questions

And before you try to answer, we ask you that you not use the reflex-like answers from Mr. Sattelberger, such as “we don’t block anything,” “it’s all lies,” or “we respect national law.” Note that no German journalist believes that anymore!

We passed around recent press articles to the shareholders today. We invited shareholders to ask the board to avert further damage to the DT image and to announce a clear commitment to a fear-free work climate for all workers, here and in other countries.

Hence, the question: Will you change your behavior in the US?

As to your previous argument, Mr. Sattelberger, that “we respect national law,” I can only say, that is the least that one can expect!

With DT Social Charter and other guidelines for leadership, we have higher standards.

But what good is a Social Charter, what good are are guidelines, if workers are afraid to take leaflets or contact the union.

As to Mr. Sattelberger’s claim that this campaign is “all lies,” unfortunately I have to tell you, Mr. Sattelberger, and the rest of the board, that these allegations are all true. I have been to the United States with some of my colleagues from ver.di and I could not talk to T-Mobile workers. I have seen this treatment first hand.

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