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Mobilization Update

Even though a tentative agreement was reached, C&T Locals remain committed to continuing mobilization actions until every CWA contract at AT&T is resolved. 

A mobilization discussion was held while the Local Presidents or their designees attended the C&T contract explanation in Lithicum, MD earlier this week; and Locals understand the important connection between mobilization and bargaining.  One Union, One Fight, One Future is not just a bargaining slogan, but a promise to continue to stand together. 

C&T members all over the country continue to wear red on Thursdays & black on Fridays, in addition to other actions both in & outside of work.

Here are some of the mobilization actions since the tentative agreement was announced August 27th:

6151 canvassed members this week for questions to give to their President to take to the explanation meeting.  They've stood, tapped & walked in together.  They've talked with and reassured members.  They've done math and made hopeful projections.  They are wearing red on Thursday and black on Friday.  They continue to encourage members to get and stay informed. 

7250 has been distributing information at the 11-day Minnesota State Fair with the help of AFA-CWA.  The Fair, which ends on Labor Day, has thousands of people stop by the AFL-CIO building each day to learn about issues impacting unions, including off-shoring and Corporate Greed at AT&T.  Members held an informational picket, handbilled, and talked to all of the parents in line for the American Idol concert in downtown Minneapolis on September 1st.  They will continue to bring our message public until contracts are resolved for ALL CWA members working at AT&T.  Their members gathered questions regarding the tentative agreement which will be answered at the Local's contract explanation meetings starting September 14.

7750 continues their break walks and wears red attire.  Wednesdays' informational pickets are well attended.  The latest is Randy Rat traveling around the office at 40th demonstrating, "Your World Delivered".  He doesn't stay in one place too long.  Like his namesake, he is very elusive.  They will continue to fight till all the contracts are settled.

If you would like your reports or pictures of action to be posted weekly, please submit them to

Stay Strong. Stay Mobilized.