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Mobilization Report
As Locals begin conducting explanation meetings for the C&T tentative agreement, members remain focused on supporting Districts 1, 3 & 6 as they continue their battle for a fair contract at AT&T.
We were notified that 200 members of Local 1298 were suspended for refusing to take off their "Prisoners of AT&T" shirts. (Note: Elsewhere this has been reported in error as 700 members. 200 is the correct number.)
C&T Locals will continue to stand beside all CWA members in One Union, One Fight, One Future.
Here are some of the reports that were provided this week:
6151 wore green on Wednesday, red on Thursday and black on Friday this week in support of the members still fighting for a tentative agreement. The Local spent this week communicating with the members on the issues regarding the C&T tentative agreement.
7250 finished their 11 days at the Minnesota State Fair on Labor Day. They continued to pass out flyers and had CWA'ers marching in the Labor Day parade at the fair. Other members attended the Labor Day picnic sponsored by Congressman Keith Ellison and reminded other Labor Unions that CWA remains in a National fight against AT&T's corporate greed and off-shoring of work. The recession isn't over, and we continue the struggle to maintain good middle class jobs to help sustain the U.S. economy. Members in Minneapolis continue to wear red & black.
7750 held their contract explanation meeting on 9/9 with lots of information being shared. The Wednesday informational picket was well attended, with both active members and retirees on the line spreading the word about AT&T corporate greed. They received reactions from the people driving by and/or stopping to make comments. They'll keep spreading the word: AT&T supports everyone except the people who built the company. Standing Strong till everyone has a fair contract.
13550 is educating members on the issues surrounding the tentative agreement in C&T. Members in PA stand strong and wear red & black in support of the bargaining teams and members that do not yet have an agreement.
Over 120 attendees at the CWA National Women's Conference in St. Louis wore red on Thursday as a continued sign of support for members bargaining with AT&T from every sector of the Union.
Please continue to report Unity mobilization efforts that are happening around the country to
Our fight does not stop until ALL members working at AT&T ratify agreements in every District & Sector of CWA.
Stay Strong, Stay Mobilized.