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May 2012 District 4 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Conducted Thursday, May 3, 2012 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

  • Participants-

Eric Odom, CWA Local 4123
Pete Houvouras, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 4322,
Gary Kundrat, CWA Local 4340
Mike Kudlewski, CWA Local 4603
Matt Vachalik, Secretary, CWA Local 4611
Joe Alavrez and Denny Meador, CWA Local 4900
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

(Due to collective bargaining with ADT, Bryon Capper, CWA Representative, was not able to participate).


  • Participant Reports-

Matt Vachalik, CWA Local 4611, asked about future Union grant workplace safety and health training sessions. David LeGrande noted there will be a one-day CWA/USW safety and health grant training session conducted June 15, 2012 at Local 4603, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He deferred further details to Joe Alvarez (See below).

Pete Houvouras, CWA Local 4322, reported a serious incident in which a member employed as a technician by AT&T was performing work under very hot working conditions in a customer’s attic when she fell through the ceiling. Affected by the severe heat, she is permanently disabled. Pete indicated he would provide additional details regarding this case.

Gary Kundrat, CWA Local 4340, indicated member safety and health problems associated with long work hours and AT&T’s idling policy. Several participants joined in this discussion. David LeGrande noted CWA has encountered similar issues throughout the U.S. and, specific to company idling policies has been successful in pressuring represented employers to alter their onerous policies. He asked participants to request copies of state and local regulations/ordinances re. idling policies.

Gary also indicated a CWA report re. AT&T’s misuse of workplace safety and health incidents and related workers’ compensation claims will soon be available. He indicated the report will be made available upon publication.

  • CWA District 4/AT&T Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee-

No updates.

  • CWA/USW National Health, Safety, and Environment Conference-

David LeGrande summarized the highlights of the initial CWA/USW National Health, Safety, and Environment Conference. Some 1,400 health and safety activists, including 50 from CWA and IUE-CWA locals, participated in timely and lively plenary and workshop sessions. Featured presentations were given by President Cohen and USW President Leo Gerard. Also, several CWA and IUE-CWA health and safety grant trainers worked as co-chairs conducting several workshops on topics such as heat stress, ergonomics, emergency response, incident investigation/hazard recognition and control, and systems of safety.

Noting the next joint national conference is scheduled for September, 2013, David encouraged call participants to begin planning to attend. Given the future negotiation and ratification of contracts with New Jersey State Government, Verizon East and West as well as AT&T East, Midwest, and West, he anticipated increased attendance from CWA health and safety activists.

  • CWA/USW Health and Safety Grant Training-

Joe Alvarez, CWA Local 4900 and CWA grant trainer, reported on the February 24, 2012 health and safety grant training session. Involving 27 CWA and IUE-CWA activists, this was the first joint CWA/IUE-CWA training session conducted under the Union’s grant. Targeted topics included heat stress, incident investigation/health and safety hazard recognition and control, and local union health and safety committees. Joe noted participants gave the training session high marks anticipating they would be able to utilize the newly acquired information and tools.

Joe indicated another grant health and safety training session will be held in coordination with/at Local 4603, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 15, 2012. Targeting participation by CWA and IUE-CWA Wisconsin health and safety activists, he indicated recruitment efforts will be initiated soon.

  • CWA Heat Stress Campaign-

David LeGrande discussed specific activities regarding the use of heat stress training as part of the CWA/USW grant training. To date, training session have been conducted in most CWA districts involving several hundred local union health and safety activists. He indicated the Union has encountered several problems/tragedies re. heat stress with represented employers- particularly Verizon, AT&T, and Century-Link.

For example, last September, a member of Local 9588, Colton, California, employed as a Verizon premise technician, died as a result of severe effects associated with heat stress. Following this tragedy, Local 9588 filed a grievance and a complaint with Cal OSHA. Subsequently, Cal OSHA cited Verizon for violations of the Agency’s/State Heat Stress Standard. Verizon has contested the citations. Efforts initiated by Local 9588 leaders have resulted in Verizon improving working conditions throughout California as well as other areas of the U.S.

During the Summer, 2011, a Local 6222 member employed as a service technician by AT&T suffered severe health problems after suffering significant heat exposure. Fortunately, after being admitted to the hospital, he received the necessary medical treatment allowing him to recover. Local 6222, Houston, Texas, leaders filed a grievance against AT&T and a complaint with Federal OSHA. In addition, the Local contacted representatives of a local TV station. Subsequently, the assigned reporter conducted an excellent interview/prepared a video highlighting the dangerous working conditions. The work of Local 6222 leaders has led AT&T to produce improvements in member working conditions throughout CWA District 6.

Also during the Summer, 2011, members of CWA Local 7001, Las Cruces, New Mexico, employed as Century-Link technicians were instructed by local management to complete their work in extremely hot outdoor working conditions without being provided cool potable water supplies. However, quick coordinated action by the Union’s Safety and Health Department, District 7, and the Local leaders convinced management to provide adequate supplies of cool potable water supplies to the involved technicians. Subsequently, District 7 staff have prevailed upon the Company to ensure the provision of safe and healthful working conditions.

  • Workers’ Memorial Day, April 28, 2012-

Several participants spoke of participation in Workers’ Memorial Day activities. For example, Joe Alvarez mentioned Local 4900 joined with the South Bend, Indiana Central Labor Council and other unions in memorializing Indiana workers who died or suffered workplace injuries and/or illnesses during 2011. Mike Kudlewski, CWA Local 4603, spoke of similar events in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. David LeGrande noted many CWA locals throughout the U.S. participated in Workers’ Memorial Days activities. Several of these events are highlighted on CWA’s webpage.

  • CWA 99% Training-

David LeGrande indicated the Union’s future safety and health training functions will include (during an extension period) 99% training materials/activities. These materials have been provided to district and local union legislative and political action coordinators who will conduct the political action training. In turn, these efforts will be integrated into District 99% activities.

  • Republican Members of Congress Legislative Assault on Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety

David LeGrande discussed continued efforts by Congressional Republicans to undermine occupational and environmental health and safety. CWA has joined with the AFL-CIO, other unions, and environmental and social justice organizations to battle regressive legislative initiatives. He indicated CWA’s efforts will continue into the 2012 legislative and political campaigns.

  • Date of the Next CWA District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be held Thursday, August 2, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.