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Marian Moffitt, Retired District 7 Staffer, Dies

Marian Moffitt, a retired CWA Representative in District 7, died at a hospice near her home in Des Moines, Iowa, March 6 of complications of diabetes. She was 58.

Over the course of her career, she served in the Des Moines, Albuquerque, N.M., and Omaha, Neb., offices of District 7. She was known as a strong advocate for member grievances and a skilled negotiator.

“Marian was a capable CWA leader and a friend,” District 7 Vice President John Thompson said. “She will be missed.”

Born in Cedar Rapids, Moffitt moved to Des Moines and was hired as a clerk and sales representative for Northwestern Bell Telephone, now part of Qwest, in December 1960.

She became active in CWA Local 7102, serving as accounting chief steward, secretary-treasurer and, from 1978, as president.

Moffit was named a CWA representative in January 1982, working out of the Des Moines office, primarily with US West locals.

In June 1986, she transferred to the Albuquerque office, where she assisted public workers at the University of New Mexico. In December 1988, Moffitt moved to District 7’s Omaha office, serving a variety of locals throughout Nebraska and South Dakota in both the public and private sectors.

She chaired negotiations with Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph, now Alltel, in 1989, said CWA Representative J.R. Garrison, a former president of Local 7470 in Lincoln. “She was the best — very intelligent, extremely strong,” Garrison said. “She never let the other side intimidate her. She took charge of almost every meeting.”

Moffitt retired in August 1997 and moved back to Des Moines. She is survived by her mother, Mildred Moffitt, and a sister, Linda Fisher, both of Des Moines.