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March 2010 CWA Districts 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Conducted March 15, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m..

Mike Parker, CWA Local 2107
Chris Bird, CWA Local 2109
Mark, CWA Local 2201
Alex Long, CWA Local 2202
Alan Johnson, CWA Local 2204
Don Lewis and Jesse Davis, CWA Local 2222
Claudia Cole, CWA Local 2336
Bill Evitt, CWA Representative, CWA District 2
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director


Participant Reports/New Issues-
Alex Long, CWA Local 2202
, raised the issue of grounding FIOS equipment. Several participants joined in this discussion noting the company (Verizon) must be in compliance with the National Electrical Code and OHSA Standard.

Claudia Cole, CWA Local 2336, mentioned engineering assistants are reporting vitamin D deficiencies in a represented workplace. Believed to be caused by the type of overhead fluorescent lights in use, Verizon has agreed to replace the fluorescent tubes with full-spectrum bulbs.

Alan Johnson, CWA Local 2204, mentioned a local member employed as a central office technician has been hospitalized for more than a year with cancer. Alan led a discussion re. potential workplace causes of the disease.

David LeGrande raised the issue of annual Verizon-conducted first aid and CPR training noting the Company is moving (again) towards providing this instruction through the use of computer-based training with no hands-on component included. He mentioned CWA Local 2100 has filed a complaint with Maryland’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration/against Verizon regarding not providing hand-on training. (Subsequent to the call, David was provided information from Mark Balsamo, President, CWA Local 2100 indicating MOSH has decided Verizon must provide hands-on training).

CWA Districts 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and Health Retreat-
Due to scheduling issues, the retreat will be held after the CWA Convention and, possibly, after the November, 2010 elections.

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande
indicated with the loss of the Massachusetts senate seat to the Republican Party, it is unlikely the Employee Free Choice Act will be considered during the 2010 Congressional session.

Advances in Occupational Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-
David LeGrande
indicated the Obama Administration’s supportive actions re. occupational and environmental safety and health including the selection of Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor; the nomination of Dr. David Michaels as Assistant Secretary of Labor- OSHA; the appointment of Jordan Barab as Deputy Assistant Secretary- OSHA; and the appointment of Debbie Berkowitz, formerly the safety and health director for UFCW, as Chief of Policy- OSHA. In addition, Dr. John Howard was selected as NIOSH Director and Lisa Jackson as EPA Administrator. These actions have led to several advances in occupational and environmental safety and health.

Workplace Ergonomics and Job Stress- David LeGrande discussed the CWA-University of California, Irvine Ergonomics and Job Stress Study. He provided a brief description of the study involving CWA technicians employed by Verizon. Very high and troubling occurrences of health problems associated with physical ergonomics and job stress were identified. As part of the CWA collective bargaining process, during the latter part of February the study information was presented to Verizon-West managers. CWA representatives and the University of California, Irvine researchers proposed an expanded confirmation study involving technicians as well as another study targeting customer service representatives be conducted. We hope to hear the Company’s response in the near future.

CWA Heat Stress Campaign-
David LeGrande
mentioned the Occupational Safety and Health Department will be initiating a national heat stress campaign. These efforts will be targeting telecommunications, public, and other represented work locations where members are exposed to workplace hazards associated with hot outdoor work environments. Over the last several years, two CWA telecommunications members have suffered workplace fatalities and many more represented workers have experienced heat stress health problems. This initiative is intended to further identify member issues, provide education and training materials, and resolve member heat stress health problems through the collective bargaining process. In addition, CWA is working with federal OSHA and NIOSH to ensure represented employers are in compliance with the agencies heat stress guidelines and recommended standard, respectively, and providing safe and healthful working conditions.

David LeGrande
reported CWA and the USW are continuing our joint work to develop and provide occupational and environmental safety and health education and training to safety and health activists from both unions. Funding for these activities will come from a grant submitted to the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). It is anticipated the Agency’s response to the grant proposal will be made during April, 2010. Upon receipt of grant funds, CWA leaders and OSH activists throughout the U.S will be notified.

CWA OSH Web Page-
David LeGrande
indicated the CWA webpage- including the Occupational Safety and Health webpage- has been updated. He encouraged participants to visit the user-friendly webpage more frequently. Several participants noted they have done this and have found the webpage to be greatly improved.

Date of the Next CWA District 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next CWA Districts 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and health conference call will be conducted Monday, June 14, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.