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LTSSP vs. ARSP Operating Expenses
To: AT&T Local Presidents
Subject: LTSSP vs. ARSP Operating Expenses
We have received some questions about Operating Fees for the 401K Plan. We have always have had fees as part of the LTSSP that were charged to the various funds. They were dependent on your investments. The operating expenses by fund (calculated per year per $1000 invested) ranged from $.20 up to $9.00) under LTSSP. In fact the fees under the ARSP are generally lower, ranging from $0.20 to a high of $4.80.
The list of the fees are in the back of the AT&T Retirement Savings Plan Propectus, dated August 2012, which was sent out to all participants.
In Unity,
Laura Unger
CWA Representative
Telecommunications and Technologies