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Let Them Eat Cake? Not if Piedmont Gets Its Way

Besides tearing up pro-union literature from agents' break room in Charlotte, Piedmont management confiscated two "CWA Vote Yes" cakes union supporters brought to a meeting.

With Piedmont agents' election only one week away, beginning Oct. 7, management has gone off the deep end in its efforts to try intimidate the union supporters.

At a meeting a couple days ago in Charlotte, Piedmont supervisors went ballistic over - can you believe it - two cakes that a CWA supporter ordered for his co-workers to enjoy during a captive-audience meeting by management.

The cakes were delivered to the agents' break room with big "Vote CWA Yes" messages on each. This was too much for the manager conducting the meeting, who packaged up the cakes and took them away so that no one could have a piece.

In Charlotte, Piedmont managers are also refusing to allow agents to post pro-union materials in their break room. Luckily, agents there captured on video a supervisor collecting and ripping down pro-union handouts, a clear violation of the law protecting workers' right to talk union in their break rooms.

Click here to watch the video.

Agents posted some handouts at ceiling height to make it harder for supervisors to remove everything. However, Piedmont has plastered the break room walls with plenty of anti-union literature. So much for freedom of choice.

With Delta flight attendants' election now underway, and the Piedmont agents' just a week away, management at both airlines are resorting to hardball tactics, pressuring workers in one-on-ones how they will vote, and writing up union supporters for talking to one another.

Both airlines seem to have forgotten that federal law protects workers' right to organize unions and expressly forbids management from taking any actions to intimidate workers exercising their right to form a union.

If you are Piedmont agent or Delta flight attendant please forward this article and video to your co-workers.