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Koch Brothers Promise to Spend Nearly $1 Billion in 2016 Elections
Just days after the fifth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's disastrous Citizens United decision, two right-wing billionaire brothers have demonstrated why real campaign finance reform is desperately needed.
This week, Charles and David Koch announced that they will spend $889 million – that's double what they spent in 2012 – in the 2016 elections.
How much is $889 million? Sam Stein of The Huffington Post says it comes out to nearly $1.4 million PER DAY from now till Election Day 2016.
Citizens United has made this obscene spending possible, because the court struck down limits on independent political spending and allowed big money to take over our elections and our democracy. CWA and allies have been fighting back, supporting legislation that makes it clear that money isn't speech, calling on Congress to set limits on campaign spending and other reforms.