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June 22: A Day of Action

Thousands rally for workers’ rights at Verizon stores, Banco Popular, and Darden Restaurants.

"Every time they give one thing, they take away another." — Carl Brogden, CWA Local 2108

On June 22, 2012 . . .
Union members, community activists and consumers took to the streets to put Verizon’s management and Board of Directors on notice. In 400 locations nationwide, thousands of workers leafleted and marched on stores, banks, and restaurants. They demanded that Verizon treat customers and workers with respect, stop pressing for unreasonable givebacks in contract negotiations, and stop feeding corporate greed.

Led by members of CWA and IBEW, the protests marked one year since the launch of contract negotiations for Verizon workers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

Our members and allies showed Verizon fat cats, including Board members Clarence Otis and Richard Carrión, the full force of our outrage.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico
Two-dozen activists held a press conference in front of Banco Popular headquarters. They handed out leaflets to customers and called on bank president Richard Carrión to respect consumers and Verizon workers.

In Chicago, IL
Almost 100 people rallied at a Banco Popular branch, then marched to The Capital Grille to deliver a letter to the restaurant manager, demanding that Otis stop Verizon’s war on workers.

In Washington, DC
Workers held a funeral to mourn the death of fairness at Verizon. Members and activists swarmed a downtown Verizon store and The Capital Grille, led by the corporate pig, Verigreedy.

Protests Hit the Web
More than 12,000 activists responded to an alert from CWA and Jobs with Justice, sending emails directly to restaurant exec Otis. The message: Don’t Feed Corporate Greed.

Keep the Pressure On: Next Steps
There will be no victory without continued pressure. CWA and IBEW locals are planning more events at Verizon, Banco Popular, and Darden until the stalemate ends and contracts are signed.

Thank You to Our Allies!

  • Jobs with Justice
  • Restaurant Opportunities Centers, ROC-United
  • AFL-CIO & Central Labor Councils
  • Change to Win
  • Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)
  • Interfaith Worker Justice
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • Coalition of Labor Union Women
  • And many others

Our Alliance with ROC-United
Standing firmly in support of our fight against Clarence Otis of the Darden Restaurant Group and Verizon are members of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC-United). They are fighting to improve wages and working conditions for restaurant workers nationwide.

For more information, see the ROC web site: