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June 2011 District 6 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call Conducted Thursday, June 2, 2011 from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. (CST)

  • Participants-

Darlene Kirchgessner, President, CWA Local 6128
Wolf McCann, Vice President, CWA Local 6132
Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222
Raymond Esparza, Vice President, CWA Local 6229
Jim Billedo, President, CWA Local 6312
Jason Burns, President, CWA Local 6401
Carol Russell, Executive Vice President, CWA Local 6402
Jeff Morris, President, CWA Local 6411
Charlie Torres, CWA Representative
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

  • Participant Reports/New Issues-

Jim Billedo, CWA Local 6312, described the tragedy associated with the recent tornado which destroyed much of Joplin , Missouri . CWA lost two members- Sharyl Nelson , 34 years of age, a member of CWA Local 6312 and retail store employee of AT&T Mobility, was killed when the tornado slammed into the Company' s store where Sharyl, four co-workers, and a family of six desperate for shelter were crammed into a small bathroom. Although Sharyl's co-workers were bruised and mentally shaken, they are recovering.

Regina Bloxem , 55 years old, a member of CWA Local 6313 employed as a Business Customer Service Specialist by AT&T Mobility , was killed when the tornado struck her house. Regina and her mother were seeking protection in a bedroom closet when the tornado hit. Her mother was critically injured and hospitalized.

Jim Billedo and Kevin Kollmeyer, President, CWA Local 6313, have been working to ensure members receive the required medical care, counseling, and other necessary assistance. CWA's Occupational Safety and Health Department extends its sympathies to the families, co-workers/friends of Sharyl Nelson and Regina Bloxem as well as the other CWA members affected by the tornado. (For additional information, please refer to the June 2 articles “Two Missouri CWA Members Dead in Catastrophic Joplin Tornado” and “Everyone was Yelling and Screaming and Crying and Praying” written by Jannelle Hartmann, CWA Communications Department, which are posted on the Union's webpage).

  • CWA District 6/AT&T Occupational Safety and Health Committee-

Charlie Torres indicated the Union would be introducing the issue of heat stress- conducting training for technicians, providing protective working conditions with attention towards adequate rest breaks, cool water supplies, and shaded, cool rest areas- for action. Several participants said this was necessary to avoid member health problems.

  • CWA/AT&T Mobility Occupational Safety and Health Committee-

David LeGrande indicated the next committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday, June 9, 2011 . Representing CWA on the committee are: David LeGrande- chair; Holly Sorey, President, CWA Local 4202; and Joe Sisson, CWA Local 9412 . Agenda items include a review of Company 2010 injury/illness data, heat stress, Radiofrequency Radiation and work with cellular equipment, and workplace violence. Jim Billedo, CWA Local 6312, noting the lack of AT&T 's activation of a comprehensive emergency response plan in the Joplin , Missouri tragedy, suggested emergency response be added to the agenda. David LeGrande said he would do this.

  • CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Training-

David LeGrande summarized the development and status of the CWA/USW National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences -funded grant training activities as well as conducting of joint occupational and environmental safety and health conferences. Within District 6, Randy Rodriguez , CWA Local 6222 , has been appointed as the leader in developing and conducting grant-sponsored training. To date, he has attended training sessions and developed and conducted training sessions with Local 6222 leaders and members. Scheduled training will include Locals 6222, 6143, and 6137 members. Randy, noting heat stress training will be included as a primary training topic, asked locals to contact him if they are interested in setting up training sessions.

  • CWA Heat Stress Campaign- “A Burning Issue-”

David LeGrande reported on the variety of past, present, and future campaign activities including the development of the CWA Heat Stress Fact Sheet , developing and conducting the Union's Heat Stress Survey , and analyzing collected surveys, company policies, and federal and state guidelines/regulations into the recently-produced publication, “A Burning Issue.” David encouraged activists to review the fact sheet and report- “A Burning Issue” with the idea of providing this information to affected local members. Also, he suggested locals should re-initiate member survey distribution and completion efforts. As needed, copies of the materials are available from the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Department.

  • U-Verse Technician Field Safety Guide-

David LeGrande indicated the availability and use of the CWA U-Verse Technician Field Safety Guide . Developed by locals within the CWA District 9 Central Valley Council and available on the CWA Occupational Safety and Health webpage, the guide covers all major workplace safety and health issues experienced by Premise/U-verse technicians. Several participants mentioned they had reviewed the guide and planned to provide/use it to educate AT&T U-Verse technicians.

  • Republican Congress Assault on Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health-

David LeGrande reported on the assault by Republican members of Congress against workplace and environmental safety and health. He suggested we should expect this behavior to continue until we are able to elect worker/environmental friendly candidates to Congress (and other public offices). This need for this activity is also evidenced by the assault on public and private sector workers in Florida , New Jersey , Wisconsin , Ohio , and several other states.

  • Date of the Next CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Thursday, September 1, 2011 from 8:30- 10:30 a.m. (CST).