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June 2011 District 3 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call Conducted Thursday, June 2, 2011 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (EST); 12:00-2:00 p.m. ( CDT )

  • Participants-

Steve Shaw, CWA Local 3106
Steve Wisniewski, Executive Vice President, CWA Local 3108
Nancy Underwood and Marc Hansmann, CWA Local 3122
Melissa Snyder-Pike, Vice President, CWA Local 3204
Billy O'Dell, President, CWA Local 3215
Terry Buchholz, CWA Local 3315
Sheila Beller, Vice President, Chris Pacetti, and John Copas, CWA Local 3406
Al Guillory, President, CWA Local 3407
Robbie Pace, CWA Local 3806
Mary Layton, President, CWA Local 3905
Isa Shabazz, CWA Representative
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

  • Participant Reports/New Issues-

Billy O'Dell reported on a recent fatality involving a technician/member on loan to North Florida. The technician, an over-the-road truck driver, was found by police some six hours after he had passed away. Given the vehicle was equipped with GPS equipment, Billy raised concern AT&T had not identified the technician's situation and related health problems before he had died. Isa Shabazz indicated he would raise this issue at the upcoming CWA/AT&T Occupational Safety and Health meeting. Following the meeting, he said he would provide activists with the outcome.

Steve Wisniewski, CWA Local 3108 , discussed the assault on workers in Florida highlighting the recent struggle with Florida's Governor and Republican members of the state legislature. Fortunately, as a result of the efforts of CWA, other unions, and coalition organizations, Republican efforts to remove public sector collective bargaining rights were not successful.

Also, Steve raised a major safety and health concern- ineffective, inoperable air-bags on AT&T vehicles. He indicated the local is presently discussing this issue with AT&T and will provide updates.

  • CWA District 3/AT&T Occupational Safety and Health Committee-

Isa Shabazz and Billy O'Dell highlighted the issues of discussion and the Union's primary issues of concern including the reactivation of CWA District 3/AT&T state-based workplace safety and health committees as well as the assignment of two technicians when performing manhole work. Locals are encouraged to demand more safety and health activity from the Company and press for the implementation of improved working conditions.

  • CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Training-

Steve Shaw, CWA Local 3106 , summarized the CWA/USW National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences workplace safety and health grant training efforts. (Steve is the District 3 safety and health activist responsible for conducting grant training activities within the district). Following the District 3 March, 2011 meeting, Steve received requests from South Florida locals (3122, 3121, and 3104) to conduct safety and health training. At present, Steve is working to schedule and conduct this training as well as reach out to other locals with the idea of scheduling and conducting training throughout District 3.

  • CWA Heat Stress Campaign- “A Burning Issue-”

David LeGrande reported on the variety of past, present, and future campaign activities including the development of the CWA Heat Stress Fact Sheet , developing and conducting the Union's Heat Stress Survey , and analyzing collected survey, company policies, and federal and state guidelines/regulations into the recently-produced publication, “A Burning Issue.” David encouraged activists to review the fact sheet and report- “A Burning Issue” with the idea of providing this information/distributing copies to affected local members. Also, he suggested locals should re-initiate member survey distribution and completion efforts. As needed, copies of the materials are available from the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Department.

  • Premise/U-Verse Technician Field Safety Guide-

David LeGrande indicated the availability and use of the CWA Premise/U-Verse Technician Field Safety Guide . Developed by locals within the CWA District 9 Central Valley Council and available on the CWA Occupational Safety and Health webpage, the guide covers all major workplace safety and health issues experienced by Premise/U-verse technicians. Several participants mentioned they had reviewed the guide and planned to provide/use it to educate AT&T U-Verse technicians.

  • Republican Congress Assault on Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health-

David LeGrande reported on the assault by Republican members of Congress against workplace and environmental safety and health. He suggested we should expect this behavior to continue until we are able to elect worker/environmental friendly candidates to Congress (and other public offices). This need for this activity is also evidenced by the assault on public and private sector workers in Florida, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Ohio, and several other states.

  • Date of the Next CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Thursday, September 1, 2011 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (EST); 12:00-2:00 (CST).