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June 2010 CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call
Conducted June 3, 2010 from 8:30- 10:30 a.m. (CST)

Cindy Mills, President, CWA Local 6012
Jennifer Lujan, CWA Local 6127
Marc LaRousse, Vice President, CWA Local 6139
Virginia Anderson-Dunbar, Treasurer, CWA Local 6300
Ron Horn, President, CWA Local 6311
Ed Stephens, President, CWA Local 6314
Erin Hall, President, CWA Local 6316
Derrick Inscho, Vice President, CWA Local 6360
Jason Burns, Vice President, CWA Local 6401
David Bagwell, CWA Local 6507
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

Participants Reports/New Issues-

Virginia Anderson-Dunbar, CWA Local 6300, indicated the issue involving AT&T’s removal of security guards and closure of many building entrances/exits at a Company building in St. Louis has not yet been resolved. Although swipe keys have been provided workers, non-employees frequently follow workers into the building raising security issues. Clearly, the Company’s action to lock the doors to numerous entrances/exits, has created the most concern (particularly re. the need for emergency evacuation). As discussed during previous conference calls, Virginia has contacted the local authorities. However, she reports they won’t take the necessary action to have the doors unlocked. The next action will be to consider the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act with the idea of ensuring ingress/egress for handicapped individuals.

David Bagwell, CWA Local 6507 reported on a recent shooting incident in which a member of CWA Local 1126, New York Mills, New York employed by AT&T Mobility was shot while working at a Company retail store. David advocated the need to bring the issue of security/workplace violence to the attention of AT&T Mobility. (Following the call, David LeGrande talked with CWA 1126 officers. He was told an irate customer entered the store with the apparent intention of shooting several workers. However, after shooting one employee, an off-duty policeman- who just happened to be in the store- shot and killed the assailant. At present, in coordination with District 1 Headquarters, Local 1126 in is working to ensure the Company takes the necessary action to ensure workers are provided adequate protections. In addition, David is raising this with the negotiated labor-management occupational safety and health committee).       

CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Training and Retreat-
David LeGrande
reported on the success of the training and retreat. In doing so, he thanked all District 6 leaders and activists who participated- particularly District 6 Vice President Andy Milburn, Claude Cummings, President of CWA Local 6222 and CWA At-Large Executive Board Member, and CWA Representative Charlie Torres for their leadership and assistance. Also, David thanked Tim Andrews, CWA Local 6508, and Marc LaRousse, CWA Local 6139, for their presentations on heat stress and working with chemicals/hazardous materials in confined spaces/manholes, respectively.         

CWA Local 3212 Member Fatality-
David LeGrande
provided an update on the January, 2010 fatality of William Britt Hunt, formerly a member of Local 3212, Rome, Georgia, employed by AT&T. Britt was killed while winding cable onto a cable winch. David indicated CWA Local 3212, District 3 Headquarters, and the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Department have been working with federal OSHA to ensure this case is satisfactorily resolved- in memory of Britt Hunt. 

CWA Local 4100 Member Fatality-                                                                                                                        David LeGrande reported on the April, 2010 death of Kevin James, a member of CWA Local 4100, Detroit, Michigan, employed by AT&T. Kevin was performing telecommunications cable repair work on a telephone pole when an overhead electrical cable fell on him causing his death. David noted the excellent investigative and follow-up work performed by Greg Wynn, President, CWA Local 4100 with AT&T, Michigan OSHA, CWA Staff and other Michigan CWA locals. David indicated he is working with Greg as well as CWA Representative Bryon Capper to ensure this case receives the necessary action and resolution with AT&T- particularly in memory of Kevin James.   

CWA Heat Stress Campaign-
David LeGrande
reported on the status of the Union’s Heat Stress Campaign. The heat stress fact sheet and survey are completed and ready to go on-line. After CWA Executive Board members are provided these materials they will be provided to CWA Staff, Local Presidents, leaders and members. In getting to this point, David thanked District 6 Staff Charlie Torres and local leaders for their distribution and return of the pilot heat stress survey. Their comments were important to making the necessary adjustments to the survey.

In the coming weeks, the campaign will be announced from CWA Headquarters. This will include information re. the purpose and expected products of this effort as well as how CWA leaders and members can access and distribute campaign materials. Several participants indicated they are eagerly awaiting the campaign’s roll-out.

Employee Free Choice Act-
David LeGrande
mentioned activities by CWA and the labor movement related to the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act have been put on the back-burner. This is the result of losing the U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts to the Republican Party. 

National/Regional Regulatory/Legislative Activities-
Participants mentioned there were not any new or active state/local occupational/environmental safety and health regulatory/legislative initiatives.

David LeGrande indicated a number of important occupational and environmental safety and health regulatory and legislative activities that CWA Headquarters, District, and Local Union personnel are actively working on. This includes the Protecting America’s Workers Act, the James Zadroga Medical Monitoring and Treatment Act (associated with the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center tragedy), as well as chemical security and worker protection, clean air and climate change.

CWA/ USW Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health Agreement-
David LeGrande
provided an update on CWA’s work with the USW focused upon advancing the occupational and environmental safety and health concerns and needs of CWA/USW leaders and members. At the present time, we are waiting to receive an award announcement from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences re. the recent CWA/USW mutually-developed and submitted grant proposal. Funds from this grant will allow CWA to significantly expand our safety and health education, training and related efforts. Upon receipt of the Agency’s decision, David indicated he would ensure CWA officers, staff, as well as local leaders and safety and health activists are notified 

Date of the Next CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Thursday, September 2, 2010 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. (CST).