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June 2010 CWA District 2 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Conducted Monday, June 14, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Robin Young, Secretary, CWA Local 2001
Mark Balsamo, President, CWA Local 2100
Dutchin Webster, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 2107
Johnny Brown, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 2108
Chuck Fouts, President, CWA Local 2109
Mark Wood, CWA Local 2201
Travis Carpenter, Vice President, and Jesse Davis, CWA Local 2222
Bill Evitt, CWA Representative, CWA District 2
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director


Participant Reports/New Issues- Jesse Davis, CWA Local 2222, reported Verizon is not keeping the certification for 188A equipment up-to-date. This issue is being discussed with Verizon supervisors. However, lacking agreement, the Local will be filing a grievance and an OSHA complaint with Virginia’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Several participants voiced support for this action. If efforts do not produce quick results in Virginia, similar action might be taken in Maryland.

Mark Balsamo, CWA Local 2100, added a similar issue with Verizon has occurred in Maryland. The Company is not providing all technicians with 188A equipment, but rather waiting for technicians who have the equipment to retire before providing this equipment to other technicians. At present, Mark is discussing the resolution of this action with Verizon. Lacking success, he will be consulting with Maryland’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Mark Balsamo, Local 2100, indicated the local had filed a complaint with Maryland’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration after Verizon refused to comply with the state’s requirement that first aid/CPR training be conducted with an instructor- as opposed to a computer-based program. Participants congratulated Mark for taking this action indicating they will push for similar provisions after the citation becomes final- Verizon has contested the citation. David LeGrande noted this is the only successful action to require instructor-led training with any telecommunications employer in the U.S. Mark said he would keep everyone informed as this case continues.

Mark Wood, CWA Local 2201, reported unethical behavior issues with a Verizon supervisor over different safety and health issues. The local has reported the supervisor’s behavior to upper-level management and is preparing to file a grievance against the supervisor.

CWA Local 3212 Member Fatality- David LeGrande provided an update re. the January, 2010 death of William Britt Hunt, formerly a member of CWA Local 3212, Rome, Georgia, employed by AT&T. Britt was killed while winding cable on to a cable winch. David indicated CWA Local 3212, District 3 Headquarters, and the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Department have been working with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration to ensure this case is satisfactorily resolved- in memory of Britt Hunt.

CWA Local 4100 Member Fatality- David LeGrande reported on the April, 2010 death of Kevin James, a member of CWA Local 4100, Detroit, Michigan, employed by AT&T. Kevin was performing telecommunications cable repair work on a telephone pole when an overhead electrical power line fell on him causing is death. David noted the excellent investigative and follow-up work conducted by Greg Wynn, President, CWA Local 4100, with AT&T, Michigan OSHA, CWA Staff, and Michigan CWA Locals. David said he is working with Greg as well as Bryon Capper, CWA Representative, to ensure this case receives the necessary action and resolution with AT&T- particularly in memory of Kevin James.

CWA Heat Stress Campaign- David LeGrande reported on the status of the Union’s Heat Stress Campaign. The heat stress fact sheet and survey are completed and on-line. After CWA Executive Board members are provided these materials, they will be sent to CWA Staff, Local Presidents, leaders and members. In arriving at this point, David thanked participants for their anticipated work on this important issue. Upon leaders and members completing the heat stress survey, David will translate this information into a report for use by CWA leaders and activists in their efforts to improve member working conditions. In addition, the report will be used in the Union’s safety and health, education, organizing, and mobilizing activities.

National/Regional Occupational Safety and Health Issues- After participants indicated there were not any additional state or local activities, David LeGrande reported on a number of important occupational and environmental safety and health regulatory/legislative work involving CWA Headquarters, District, and Local Union personnel. This includes the Protecting America’s Workers Act, the James Zadroga Medical Monitoring and Treatment Act (associated with the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center tragedy), as well as chemical security and worker protection, clean air and climate change.

CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Training- David LeGrande provided an update re. CWA’s work with the USW focused upon advancing the occupational and environmental safety and health needs and concerns of CWA/USW leaders and members. At the present time, we are waiting to receive an award announcement from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences re. the recently mutually-developed and submitted five-year grant proposal. Funds from this grant will allow CWA to significantly expand our safety and health education, training, and related efforts. Upon receipt of the Agency’s decision, David said he would ensure CWA officers, Staff, as well as local leaders and safety and health activists are notified.

Date of the Next CWA Districts 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next CWA Districts 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be conducted Monday, September 13, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.