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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! CWA Featured Prominently at CBC Legislative Conference

CWA Featured Prominently in Congressional Black Caucus 'For the People' Jobs Commission and CBC Foundation 41st Annual Legislative Conference

Communications Workers of America, Washington, DC —A heightened since of hope spurred on by authoritative solutions from major political, economic, legal, business professionals, and academic scholars aimed at providing a more promising employment future for African Americans fueled the dialogue at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s power packed Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) here in Washington.

12,500 participants from across the country ascended on Washington, DC to listen, and engage in more than 100 forums and workshops designed to provide working solutions to the American job crisis.

Congressional Black Caucus Jobs Commission :

As a prelude to this monumental event, the Congressional Black Caucus Jobs Commission hosted a Capitol Hill Forum that featured four panels comprised of prominent leaders in business, labor, politics and policy advocacy. Led by CBC Chairman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), this eclectic group of speakers focused on solutions that would get America’s African American community back to work. With unemployment in the African American community at 16.7%, the CBC was moved to action, holding job fairs in five major American cities this past August. Not only was the constituent response overwhelming, the CBC used its influence to engage more than 100 major corporations and small business to interview and if possible offer placement on the spot.

CBC PanelCWA Vice President Brooks Sunkett at the behest of District 6 Vice President Claude Cummings, Jr. spoke on the role of public sector workers. The objective of this discussion was not to hash over the obvious but to provide a roadmap that would lead unemployed workers to positions within the public sector. Congressman Al Greene (D-TX) served as the host for the event which took place in the auditorium of the United States Capitol Visitor’s Center.

In his remarks, Mr. Sunkett, Vice President for CWA Public, Healthcare, and Education Workers sector, laid out a premise that spoke to the critically important role government plays in stabilizing the job market. At the outset he stated, “ Public sector jobs are vital to the American economy [hence the recovery]. Public workers and public sector jobs provide a significant lifeline between public policy and the people that policy is designed to help. The misconception by some in the political debate that government does not create jobs or provide valuable service to its citizens is rhetoric that is detrimental to the health of our nation’s economy.” Noting that members of Congress and their staff are the quintessential employees in public service, VP Sunkett took a measured approach and outlined clearly how jobs are created in the public sector and in particular how and why they can and should be preserved.

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 41st Annual Legislative Conference

This year’s massive CBC conference had a single focus: Job Creation- Preservation

CBCThe Congressional Black Caucus Foundation reports that 12,500 people attended this year’s Annual Legislative Conference. CBC Members each took on the singular responsibility to organize workshops, forums and panel discussions that would give participants the tools they need to return to their communities and begin the economic re-building process anew.


CWA D-2 Members & Rep. Karen BassThis year, twenty five CWA Verizon and AT&T members from Locals 2336 (Mike Harris President, Brenda Savoy Secretary Treasurer), 2108 (Les Evans President, Marilyn Irwin Vice President) and 2222 (Jim Hilleary President, William Steele Vice President) were recognized during the legislative conference for the courageous stand they took to not only preserve public sector jobs but also for helping to organize new workers into the union. AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker, one of the principal speakers recognized this particular group and all workers engaged the struggle to preserve collective bargaining. Representative Karen Bass (D-CA) took that extra step. As host of the panel discussion entitled, “The Rise and Fall and Rise Again of the Black Middle Class” she enlisted the brightest and most experienced leaders to talk about moving people from the unemployment rolls into the workplace. Aside from EVP Baker, others included William Lucy, President of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Department of Labor Assistant Secretary Dr William Spriggs, and Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO- Green for All to name a few.

CWA District 6 VP Claude CummingsCWA District 6 Vice President Claude Cummings continued his leadership representing all CWA members in his District. District 6 lent support to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) in essence thanking her for her steadfast support of telecommunications issues, jobs issues, AFA-CWA flight attendant issues and a host of other CWA issues that grow and preserve union jobs. At a gala event Friday evening September 23rd, Representative Jackson-Lee honored CWA by including them in the unveiling of the newest US Postal Service stamp in honor of former Congresswoman Barbara Charline Jordon, the first black woman elected to Congress from the south to hold the coveted 18th Congressional seat of Texas. CWA Human Rights Director Alfonso Pollard and CWA Vice President Brooks Sunkett were on hand again on behalf of VP Claude Cummings.

Representative Jackson-LeeRepresentative Jackson- Lee also invited CWA to be a guest at the ALC National Prayer Breakfast Saturday morning. This annual morning of witness hosted approximately 4000 people. Participants were addressed by Mr. Joshua DuBois, Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. However, the group was spiritually compelled to witness when the incomparable Senior Pastor of the Friendship Wes Baptist Church of Dallas Reverend Dr. Frederick D. Hayes, III delivered and extremely dynamic, breathtaking oratory on the 2011 ALC Theme “I Lead, I Serve”.

That evening CWA was again hosted by Congresswoman Jackson-Lee at the CBCF Phoenix Awards VIP Reception and Dinner. Featured guests for the evening gala of 3,500 guests were President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. The President’s comments centered on promotion of his American Jobs Act. The President laid out his case citing work his administration was able to accomplish over the past two years with the Congress. Despite some differences with members of the CBC the President insisted the CBC and guest participants to get behind him on the jobs bill. He encouraged them to deluge every member of congress with emails, letters, phone calls, town hall appearances, and other communications to show public support of the bill.

Post dinner press reports offered controversial reviews of the speech citing the President’s apparent admonishment of the Caucus to “stop complaining”. Though this language resonated throughout the press in the week to follow, it was clear to those present that the sense of unity among the African American community reflected in the dinner guests assembled were squarely in the President’s corner.

Over the four day period of events, the CBC’s recognition and inclusion of CWA, its officers, and its members as leaders in the struggle to find solutions for jobs and economic justice lends validity to the ongoing work of the CWA Human Rights Department. Our participation signifies a near end to a momentous year of direct involvement with the CBC.

Next up is CBCI 21st Century Council is the final meeting of the 21 st Century Council think tank scheduled for October, 2011 in Charlotte, North Carolina where the subcommittee on Telecommunications and Broadband will discuss telecommunications innovation and complete recommendations for the 2012 annual report to the CBC, Congress, and the White House. Notably, 2011 has included two annual Council meetings, three CWA hosted Labor events for CBC leadership and CWA inclusion in three CBC national publications.

Our work with the CBC and with other congressional caucuses will continue to expand in 2012. We look forward to involving more of our members in the process of solidifying these relationships. If you have questions, please contact Alfonso M. Pollard, CWA Director of Human Rights on 202-434-1334 or at