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IUE-CWA Clout Protects AT&T Jobs

Thanks to the IUE-CWA merger and the relationships that have developed, there’s a much better chance that 260 AT&T Broadband workers in Pittsburgh will keep their jobs after AT&T/Comcast takes over the local cable TV franchise.

Working with Marge Krueger, administrative assistant to CWA District 13 Vice President Vince Maisano, Allegheny Labor Council President Jack Shea helped formulate and lobby for a city council measure to require the new franchise holder to keep all current jobs at the Sheraden call center for two years.

Shea, as labor council president, represents 80,000 workers in the Pittsburgh area. He is also associate director of organization for IUE-CWA District 7. Shea and Krueger both testified before the City Council in early June, winning passage of the legislation on June 25.

“That’s the way it’s supposed to work,” CWA Executive Vice President Larry Cohen said at the IUE-CWA Division Conference just prior to the CWA Convention. “The CWA Triangle: organizing, bargaining and political action — that’s how it should be done.”

“Jack is always there for any union in the labor council,” Krueger said, “but I think he’s there 110 percent for CWA. Working alone, we would never have had the clout with the city council that Jack has.”

Mayor Tom Murphy said the jobs amendment was illegal and vetoed the entire cable bill on July 3. Outraged, Shea worked the phones behind the scenes, lining up a veto override.

The morning of July 9, Shea’s phone rang. Council President Eugene Ricciardi wanted to know if CWA still wanted the override. The council passed it 6-2.

However, an ongoing dispute over the timing of the vote could send the matter to court. If it does, the labor council will be ready. Shea is working with CWA to launch a multi-union mobilization program.