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International Day of Action against job loss at Alcatel-Lucent

On November 10, the European Unions that represent workers all over Europe called for an international day of demonstrations against Alcatel-Lucent.  Out-sourcing and the loss of jobs is the key issue there, just as it is here.

Below is a link to a video of an action in France, one of three demonstrations there. There were demonstrations in Romania, Germany, and Slovenia. Picture from Germany:

Here in the US, we handled out leaflets (click here to download) and had two hours of informational picketing in Naperville, Il (Local 4260). At the Murray Hill Labs location Locals 1060, 1062 and 1090 handed out over 600 leaflets.  Local 3290 they showed their solidarity with a banner inside the work site.  If other locations held activities, please send us photos or let us know.

From France:

From Romania:

Pictures from Locals 3290 and 4260